Pt. 16

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   I wake to blurry surroundings and a tight grip around my hand. My hand? Yes. I can, in fact, feel my hand. Looking at said hand, I see my favorite snoozing red-head.
    "Mind giving me my hand back, Georgie?" I chuckle, nudging the boy awake. Opening his bleary eyes, wincing at the sharp hospital wing lighting, his eyes open much wider upon seeing me.
    "R-Rey?" he asks shakily with a sharp intake of breath. I notice the bags under his beautiful eyes and the way he's let his hair grow shaggy.
    "Jesus, George. You look like you've seen a ghost. How long have I been out?" I ask, my voice hoarse from lack of use.
    "Too long. I should go get Fred-," he starts, his eyes still wide from disbelief.
    "No!" I cry, my voice cracking. His eyes soften. "I mean... Please stay. I haven't seen you in so long."
    "Of course," he nods, smiling softly when I scoot over to make room for him on the hospital bed. Curling up next to him, I breathe him in.
    "You don't know how much I've missed this, Rey," he sighs, wrapping his arms tight around me.
    "I'm so sorry, Georgie," I whimper.
    "Don't be sorry, Rey. Just go to sleep and let me enjoy having my friend back," I feel the vibration of his words against my cheek, which is pressed up against his chest.
    I let the comfortable silence envelop us for a few minutes. However, I can't stop myself from asking the question that's nagging at me.
    "Did you really miss me that much?" it comes out as a needy, clingy whisper, but I have to know.
    "Oh, Rey. Every hair on my head, every fiber of my being, has missed you. You have no idea. You're such an important part of my life now that you being gone changed every single aspect. Everything was miserable while you were away. I'm just glad you're back. That I can hold you again. Aside from Fred, you're my best friend in the world, Rey. I love you," he murmurs all of it into my ear, as though he's worried he'll never get another chance. I just snuggle closer to him, burying myself deeper in him. Never wanting to let go. Within moments, we are both fast asleep.
    "Make way! Make way!"
    "Wha- time is it?" I feel George's hot breath against my ear. Looking up from George's shirt and rubbing my bleary eyes, I see a boy being carried in on a stretcher. Could it be? Yes. It's Harry Potter.
    Nudging George awake, I point to Harry, unconscious in bed. "What happened to him?" he asks. I just shrug. Pomfrey takes a while to examine Harry, and then, all at once, she notices George and I.
    "Oh my! You're awake, than, Audrey, dear?" she gasps. I nod sleepily. "Well, get some rest. And you, Weasley, out."
    "Oh, no. Please let him stay. I'll never fall asleep otherwise," I plead with her. Upon taking us in, me clinging to George's shirt, her eyes soften.
    "Oh, alright. If anyone asks, though, I was unaware he was here," she informs us, continuing to busy herself with caring for Harry.

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