Pt. 15

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Hey, Rey. It's the day after Halloween. I know I promised I'd visit yesterday, but I wasn't allowed. You'll never believe what happened. A troll made it into the dungeons! I know. Crazy, right? We all had to eat supper in the common room. It was nice, but I missed you. Wake up soon, okay?

    We had Quidditch today. Harry's first game. We won. It was so crazy. Harry actually swallowed the Snitch. You'd have laughed. I can almost picture it. For a second, while I was up in the sky, I could forget about you. Then, a thought popped into my head. "I wonder if Rey's down there cheering?" I actually started scanning the crowd for you, but then I remembered. See you in a bit, you understand?

    Fred keeps trying to cheer me up, take my mind off you. Today he dragged me outside to help him bewitch snowballs to bounce off the back of Quirrell's turban. I was having fun until I started thinking about how much you'd have enjoyed it. It hurts to think about you. Speaking of Fred, I know he's not been down to visit. It's not because he doesn't care. You know he does. It's just that he has different ways of coping, and his way is to avoid the problem. He tries to cheer me up sometimes, but he mostly just spends his time with Angelina. It makes him feel better, so I don't say anything. I just need to talk to you - you're my best friend in the world outside of Freddie, remember?I just miss you, and I miss him, so come back, okay? Okay.

    Hey, Rey. It's Christmas. I know, I know. "Why are we here?" Well, Mum and Dad went to go visit Charlie, so we're staying here. Fine by me. I would've been worried out of my mind about you if I'd gone back home. Mum sent you a letter and a gift. It's a bit embarrassing, actually. She sent a Weasley sweater. Mind if I put it on you?... There you go. Perfect. It's blue, just like mine and Fred's, with a matching yellow A. I took off my Chudley Cannons sweater. You're probably getting tired of it, anyway. Can I read her letter out loud?

    "Audrey, dear, Arthur and I are so worried about you. I hope you know that we love you like our own daughter. We tried to come visit, but, as you know, we're not allowed. We're worried sick, sweetheart. Please wake up soon, and make sure to come visit us straight away.
Molly xoxo"

    She really does miss you. If you won't wake up for me, wake up for her. As I'm sure you know, it's been longer than Madam Pomfrey thought it would take. She's starting to lose faith in you. I hope you know that I never will. I love you. Merry Christmas.

    We pretty much won the House Championship. I don't see how we can lose. Shortest game I've ever played. Harry found the Snitch almost right away. Still wish you could've been there, though, to celebrate with Fred and I. Fred convinced me to help him steal some stuff from the kitchens for the celebration. I'm sure all of Gryffindor's up there now. I had to get away from all the noise, though. Thought there was nothing I could do that would be better than seeing you again. However, the others will worry. Better go. Love you.

    Ron's in here with you. Apparently Fang bit him. Don't know if I believe it. I trust he'll keep you company. I know, I know. He's not as cool and handsome as me. You'll have to make do, though. Exams are coming up, and I've been trying to focus on my schoolwork. It's hard, though. My mind keeps wandering up to the hospital wing. Missin' you more every day, Audrey.

    Harry, Hermione, and Neville lost us 150 House points. Lost us the lead we got in the House championship. Everyone's angry with them, but it's hard for me to be bitter. It's hard for me to feel anything. I miss you, and I miss Fred. God, I feel like I have no one now. Sorry for the negativity, Rey. Come back soon.

    The exams are over, and it's a beautiful day outside. I enjoyed it for a while, but then I decided I wanted to spend a beautiful day with my beautiful friend. I think I'll just rest here a moment. Exams have really worn me out. Love you, Rey.

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