Pt. 11

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  After supper, Lee and the girls, Katie and Angelina, invite the boys and I to the Quidditch pitch for a game, just for fun. However, with smirks on our faces, the three of us turn them down, claiming a ton of homework. Lee and the girls nod and understand.
    "Sure wish you could come, though, Rey," Lee winks at me, sounding disappointed. The twins both scowl at him. Lee's always flirting with me, like any girl, and the boys are very protective over me.
    "Ah, me, too, Lee. Would've loved to see the look on your face when I beat your sorry arse," I smirk. The twins just grin, because now Lee's the one scowling.
    "C'mon, Rey. Homework," Fred "reminds" me, whining.
    "Alright, let's go," I sigh, grabbing the arms of both boys' robes and tugging them after me out of the Great Hall and toward the staircase, the boys shaking me off.
    "Y'know, Rey," George starts, "You used a British cuss down there," he smirks at me. Suddenly, I realize he's right. I said "arse".
    "I probably picked it up from you wankers," I put emphasis on the word, glaring at them both. They just giggle, loving the idea that their American friend is quickly becoming one of them.
    Once we get to the Common Room, Fred pulls out the boxes, making sure the three of us each get one of the specially-marked "good" boxes. Then, we take seats on the couches. George and I end up on the couch, him sitting upright and me laying across it, my head on his lap. Fred takes one of the armchairs, laying on it upside down so his feet dangle over the back and his head hangs off of the seat. We open our boxes and begin eating, enjoying about half of our boxes and talking. We make sure not to touch the second half so that we have something to eat when Lee and the girls arrive, an alibi.
    The boys and I are talking, George stroking my hair and Fred making random faces at me, when Lee and the girls walk in, soaked in mud.
    "Hey, guys. How'd it go?" I greet them, popping a bean into my mouth.
    "Mud. Lots of mud," Katie sighs, looking exhausted.
    "Hey, where's your homework?" Angelina asks, looking at Fred.
    "Finished it a bit ago. Why do you ask, love?" Fred asks, winking at her and simultaneously popping a bean in his mouth. I stifle a giggle when Angelina blushes.
    "Hey! Where'd you get Bertie Bott's? I haven't had those since the train, 'cause we haven't been to Hogsmeade yet. You know they're my favorite!" Lee reminds us excitedly.
    "Couple fifth years stocked up and were sellin' 'em for half price a bit ago. We bought the last dozen," I grin, holding up my box and giving it a little shake.
    "Care to share? Be happy to pay you," Lee begs. George raises an eyebrow discreetly at me, not having expected to be able to make some money through this.
    "How much?" I ask, putting on a poker face. "We have very limited supply."
    "Two galleons," Lee offers.
    "Me too!" adds Katie.
    "Me three!" Angelina joins in.
    "Yeah, we can do three galleons. Only two for you, though, sweetheart," Fred winks at Angelina, who blushes again.
    "And why's that?" she asks.
    "Because I like you best," he answers confidently.
    I go to protest, but George hushes me, knowing how well this is going for Fred. After they've paid, Fred hands out the boxes, offering a cozy spot beside him on the narrow armchair to Angelina. Meanwhile, Lee and Katie go sit on a loveseat of their own.
    George and I exchange mischievous looks as we watch the three of them open their boxes and each pop a bean into their mouth.
    "Bogeys!" shouts Angelina, pouting at Fred, who gives her a sympathetic look.
    "Earwax!" shrieks Lee, spitting it out.
    "Vomit!" whimpers Katie, looking horrified.
    "Bad luck," George shakes his head sympathetically.
    Again and again, the twins and I watch as the other three eat the horrible beans, puzzled by the phenomenon. Finally, though, George can't hold it back anymore, and he lets out a tiny laugh. The other three look at us, understanding, and then disgust, coming over them.
    "I can't believe you did that!" Angelina shouts angrily at Fred.
    "I hate you guys," Lee pouts.
    "That was horrible," Katie moans.
    "I expect a refund," Lee states, crossing his arms over his chest.
    "No way!" George replies. "You bought a box of beans and that's what you got. We delivered." Lee scowls, knowing George is right.
    "However, you can have the rest of our good beans," I hold my box up, shaking it. Fred starts to protest, but I shoot him a glare and he cuts it out immediately, handing over the rest of his box.
    "Fine, whatever," Lee grumbles as him and the girls take our boxes cautiously.
    "Alright, well, I'm heading up to bed," I yawn, stretching and standing from my spot beside George. "Later, losers," I call down the stairs as I head up to change into my pajamas and get some sleep.

    In the middle of the night, I wake, panting and sweating. I haven't had the dream since I got here, but it's back. I quickly pad in stocking feet down the steps to the Common Room and up the stairs to the boys' dorms. I quickly find the twins' dorm, immediately identifying George's bed, and, sneaking past the other boys, gently nudge him awake.
    "Mind, Georgie?" I ask, attempting a light laugh.
    "Not at all, sweetheart," he yawns, scooting over to make room for me on the bed. His bed in the dorm is far larger than the one in the Burrow, so I have plenty of room to curl up beside him. Within minutes, we fall back asleep, our hands tangled in each other's hair and our bodies pressed up close. It's the best sleep I've had since I got here.

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