Pt. 17

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    The next three days pass happily. Waking up, George and I decide to prank Fred by acting as though nothing happened, letting the rest of Gryffindor in on it first. They were all more than willing to see Fred be the one getting pranked for once.
    When we let on that it's a joke, I swear it's the first time I've ever seen Fred really break down and sob. He hugs me tightly for what feels like ages. Both boys cling to me as though each second we have together is the last. Fred quickly fills me in on all that I've missed, and I'm honestly very disappointed that I've missed most of my first year at Hogwarts.
    "So, a feast tonight, huh?" I make conversation, swinging my arms as the three of us walk along the shore of the Great Lake.
    "Yep, we're gonna par-tay," Fred grins.
    "Sounds good to me," I grin back.

    While Madam Pomfrey did let me out the morning after I woke up, saying she'd "had quite enough of me for one year", she has been fussing an awful lot, and, before I can go to the feast, she's making me come in for a final checkup. Completing it quickly, I thank her for her care, and then I head out with the twins. Although I know we've lost the House Cup, I can't help but be overjoyed as we walk into the Great Hall. How could I not be?
    That's why, when Dumbledore dishes out some final Gryffindor points, I'm sure things will never get any better than this. Both boys turn to each other and to me, screaming and whooping in celebration. I'm with my friends and my peers and everything's turned out okay.
    Considering the circumstances carefully, Dumbledore decided to let me pass without taking my exams, particularly because my grades had been superb all year, and all of my teachers, up to and including Snape, have put in a word to Dumbledore, pleading with him to let me move on, explaining that I'm a wonderful student.
    All of a sudden, I'm packed, and so are Fred and George. I don't know where the time's gone. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I was unconscious for half the school year. The twins and I are in my dorm, the twins lounging on my bed as I finish my packing. Lastly, I pick Phoenix up, full-grown by now, and tuck her into her cage.
    "You're welcome, by the way," George smirks, sitting up suddenly in bed.
    "For what?" I scowl.
    "For feeding Nix while you were out. She eats a lot, you know," he shakes his head in disbelief.
    "Whatever. Thank you," I press my lips together disapprovingly, not liking the way he's using the stuff he did for me against me. Making me feel bad.
    "Alright, are you all set?" Fred asks, jumping up from bed and clapping his hands together impatiently.
    "Yeah," I sigh. "I miss my dad, but I still wish I didn't have to go home."
    "I know, Honey. We'll be back faster than you think, though. I promise," George assures me, standing to embrace me.
    "Thanks, George," I sigh, hugging him back.
    "Now, let's go downstairs, shall we? It's almost time we head off," he reminds me with a small smile, releasing me to grab my hand and pull me towards the door.
    "Hold up! I gotta grab my stuff!" I cry, giggling. Fred grabs my trunk in one hand and Phoenix's cage in the other, following quickly after George and I.
    Too soon, we're boarding the Hogwarts Express. Just as on the way to school, the twins and I ride in a compartment with Lee, Angelina, and Katie. The boys, with great pride, show off the toilet seat they're bringing home for their sister, and they use their leftover firecrackers from the school year to scare other students. Laughing and talking, we all try to ignore the fact that, in just a short while, we'll have to part ways.
    Finally, arriving at the train station, the boys and I carry our things out and make our way through the bombardment of people. On the platform 9 ¾ waits Molly, Arthur, and Ginny. Immediately, Molly pulls me into a bear hug while Arthur embraces the twins. "Oh, Audrey, I can't believe you're alright. Arthur and I were worried sick," she fusses.
    "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. For the sweater. It's my favorite. And also... For caring. This year has been the first where anyone but my father's cared about me like that," I smile softly.
    "Of course, dear," her eyes soften when she hears my words.
    "Now, I'm sure Rey is very excited to see her father, who she hasn't seen in a year. Come on, Rey," Fred beckons for me to follow him through the wall to King's Cross, George following closely behind.
    There, waiting for me, is Robert Tyler, my beloved father. "Dad!" I cry, bear hugging him when I see him.
    "Audrey, punkin', I missed you so much," he grins, wrapping his arms around me. "And you must be the twins," he continues to smile, extending a hand for them to shake.
    "Yeah, you have an awesome daughter," Fred shakes his hand eagerly.
    "Yeah, we love her," George agrees with a grin.
    "I'm gonna head back to my parents, Rey, but I'll write to you, okay?" Fred asks.
    "Absolutely. Love you, Freddie," I break away from my father to embrace Fred, who plants a kiss on top of my head.
    "Love you too, Sweetheart," he smiles softly before breaking away and going to find his parents.
    "Dad, do you mind if I have a word with George alone?" I ask.
    "Sure, I'll pull the car up," he smiles, walking away.
    "What's up, Rey?" he asks, looking concerned.
    "I'm just scared. You've been getting me through my night terrors. If they come back, I'm going to have to suffer through them alone, the way I used to," I confess.
    "Rey, I'm going to write to you all the time, and if I get one letter from you, just one, saying you need me, I will be there in a heartbeat. Believe me, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you," he assures me, pulling me in for a hug. At that point, I see Dad's car pulling up in front of the station.
    "I gotta go," I smile up at him sadly.
    "See you real soon, Love," he plants a kiss on top of my head, and, with that, I take off.

    Hopping in the car, I take in the familiar scent. "You're not dating either of those boys are you?" Dad asks, his voice stern.
    "No, of course not," I giggle. "They're my best friends."
    "Good," he sighs. "Anyways, I've got some good news," he grins.
    "What's that?" I ask, giddy with excitement from getting to see my dad again.
    "Uncle Raymond's back and staying with us," I can hardly believe what I'm hearing.
    "U-Uncle Raymond?" I stutter, making sure I heard him correctly.
    "Yes, of course. You know how much I love him, and he's very excited to see you. You know...," his voice fades as I tune him out.
    I turn and look out the window, my mouth agape, as my thoughts become clouded with the stuff of nightmares and I consider how quickly this day went from any other to one of the worst in my entire life.
    This is the last chapter of this first installment of the series. I plan on publishing the second book immediately, so look for it if you've enjoyed this story! Your readership and any commentary you may have is greatly appreciated - always!

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