Author's note and spotify playlist

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First of all, thank you for clicking on this story and I hope you enjoy it! This is part of a 4 or 5 book series.

Beginnings was my first completed book ever. Up until this one, I couldn't even tough through half of a story, and I was ecstatic when I finally typed 'The End' on my Word document. Doing a whole series as my first real attempt at writing feels heavy, but also exciting.

Since Beginnings (and the whole series) will be an evolving draft, you're going to have to bear through some clumsy parts or even a few typos, so sorry about that! 

2022 edit : not so much the case now after 2 rounds of chapter editing

Feel free to have a laugh and mock the characters as much as you like. There is a comedic undertone to it all and since the first book is rather light in terms of drama, it's pretty fun to jab and humor about it. 

Reading back, book one rlly gives me 2014 tumblr vibes and I cringe sometimes about it, but I remember that vibe was my goal. Suffering from success, I guess. 

So sit back and enjoy the ride!

- No

Other achievements : Third place in Winter Rose Awards 2018 by Winter Rose Society and Spotlight season 2 by onemiseli

If you enjoy music while reading, here is the spotify playlist I made to immerse myself in the narrative and characters. I listen to it whenever I need to do some mindless typing :

The spotify account has a playlist for every book of the series already up, and the descriptions says which book it's for. I'll also share the link to the relevant playlist at the start of every book. 

The Skylar Experiment : BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now