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A bright light blinds you as you tried to open your heavy eye lids. You groaned, using your arm to block the light that blinded you, being able to somewhat see. You turned your back to your window, looking at the clock that laid beside your bed. "Nine-thirty," You mumbled, sitting up from the bed, stretching your back like a dog. You groggily got up from your bed, walking around your messy bedroom and heading to the bathroom. You washed up, ignoring the loud knocks you heard and took your sweet time. 

"Mun Hayoon, hurry up!" You ignored the echoing shouts and continued to slowly scrub the soap on your body. Once you finished, you wrapped your towel around yourself before swinging the door open. 

'You never take forever, what's wrong?' would be nice to hear, but I guess we never hear something nice.

"Damn, you brat." Your sister cursed under her breath, which you clearly heard. You rolled your eyes at her, heading towards your room. 

"Just because you're older than me by Seventeen minutes doesn't mean you get to curse me out!" You called out, earning a loud groan. You slammed the door shut behind you, beginning to dress yourself. Looking at the clothes all over your room, you decided to go with an over-sized blue hoodie and some black leggings despite it being summer. 

You ruffled your hair with your towel before tossing it into the dirty, throwing your body onto the comforts of your bed. Your warm, comfy bed. Oh how I wish I can lay on you for eternity. Sitting up lazily, you reached out for your laptop, opening it. "What was I doing last night?" You opened the tabs you left open from the night before, recollecting the memories before remembering what you were doing. You opened your last tab.

24/7 Anime

YG Treasure Box - EP 1 SUB


The episode finished earlier than you expected it to and without any hesitation, you clicked on the next episode. Then the next. And the next. You were addicted to the anime - no, not the anime - but the characters. 

For the years that you've been watching anime, you were able to pick up all of their names easily. The concept of the survival shows grew on you as you watched it aimlessly. You enjoyed the singing and the performances. You loved how they each had their own personalities and how realistic it was. You were obsessed. 

"Hayoon! Open your door!" You sighed, reluctantly turned off your laptop. You got up from your bed and opened the door. You looked up at your Mom who had a scowl on her face. "What am I going to do with you?" She asked rhetorically. You could only look up at her, blank. 

"All you do is stay in your room, all cooped up. Not once have you went outside this summer and summer is already ending. You haven't even fixed your sleeping schedule! Hayoon, clean up this personality or else I will," She threatened. "And clean up your room, it's so pigsty." 

She left soon after, slamming your door shut and locking it. You stood there for a bit. You sighed, ruffling your already messy hair for a bit before walking back over to your laptop, playing some random 24/7 live radio on YouTube. You began cleaning your room. 

Your summer days are simple. Wake up, watch anime, wait for everyone to sleep (or at least be in their room), eat, watch anime, sleep. It wasn't exactly healthy, but it was simple. From day one and you plan to do it til the last day. Your life had always been simple. You wouldn't say you had the most boring life, but your life is the same as others. Sometimes it's exciting, other times it's not, so it's not like anything happens. You just prefer life to be simple: just you and you anime. 

Drama is something you don't need, want, and you already had enough of it. Your last middle school year is starting and transferring to another school is something that you don't want either.

"Why do characters in anime monologue," You randomly muttered to yourself. "It's weird." You chuckled lightly, continuing to clean your space. 

"Haeun! Your friends are here!" You heard Mom call out. You paused, your whole body froze. 

"Coming!" You heard Haeun yell back, rushing out from her bedroom door and down the stairs. She loudly greeted her friends. "Hi Byeongkwan, Sehyoon, Donghyun, Yuchan, Junhee." You never understood why she always said all of their names when you were younger, but you fully understood now. It's because you didn't exactly have friends. You weren't sure if she was just rubbing it in your face or trying to let you become friends with her friends. You could never tell. 

"Bye sweetheart, have fun, and come back at curfew!" Mom spoke loudly, making it close to a yell as Haeun walked towards the bus stop. You didn't realize it, but you were standing in front of your window - your front window that is. You had two windows in your room, which you find strange. One is on the front of the house, letting you see who's coming home and who's leaving, and your second window matches up with your neighbors window, which you always leave closed. 

"Didn't they move?" You recalled, looking at the closed and covered window. You shrugged your shoulders, continuing to clean. Today was just another summer day of nothingness. You want it to stay that way, but it never stays the way you want it to. 

24/7 Anime//Kim YeongueWhere stories live. Discover now