Normal Route: Classroom

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The sky was orange, the sun setting as the moon began to rise. School had been out for a while and you decided to loiter around on campus. Your backpack weighed your body down, books and books feeling like bricks pressed your body closer to the ground. 

You looked around the courtyard, the plants dying or is already dead. "Does no one take care of them?" You bent down, your hand caressing the shriveled flower in the flower bed. 

"The gardening club disbanded because no one joined nor did anyone want to run it when the the president left last year," you turned around, your breath leaving your body. You recognized him, of course you did, he was in your anime that you watched and he's also in your class, but seeing him up close was something else. 

"Class prez, didn't know you'd still be here," you watched him walk closer to you, bending down beside you as he took a look at the dead flower with you. Your faces were a few inches apart, the feeling of his breath hitting your face made you flustered. You turned your face away, feeling it grow red. 

"I didn't think you'd still be at school either, Hayoon," you felt the smile through his words, a slight pout forming on your lips. "And don't call me Class prez out of class, Haruto is fine." 

You nodded your head, turning your head to look back at him. Your eyes locked with his. "Hayoon, do me a favor and come with me to the classroom." Haruto stood up, beginning to walk out of the courtyard. "I don't take 'no' for an answer." You sighed. 

He's the prince of the school for a reason. 

You followed closely behind him, the clicking of your shoes the only noise between you two. Haruto lead you back to your homeroom quickly, taking long strides towards the teachers desk. He took a stack of papers and set them on his desk with a thump. 

"Take Jeongwoo's seat for now, he won't mind," Haruto kept his back facing you, his hand reaching out to pull the seat beside him out and gesturing your to sit as his eyes didn't look away from the paper. 

Haruto is very demanding.

You took Jeongwoo's seat, unsure of what Haruto wanted to do. "Haruto, what do you need help with?" Haruto held up his index finger and pushed it up to your face, telling you to wait. Despite feeling offended with his rude actions, you let out a quiet huff and waited for him to finish reading the first paper off the stack. 

"Hayoon, your job's simple; all you have to do is transfer our divisions students' information onto this form," Haruto held up a form from a different stack of paper. "I have to head home earlier than usual today so I really need a hand. I'll do half and you take the rest." He took the top stack off and immediately began working, his pencil scribbling quickly against the paper. 

You were dumbfounded by his actions. "Uh-uhm..." was all you were able to muster, wanting to go off at how rude he was being, but the look in his brown eyes when hey locked yours stopped you from continuing. He looked at you expectantly, quirking a brow at your stutter. 

"Yes? Do I need to repeat myself?" You quickly shook your head. 

"I-I just don't have a pencil on me right now, I lost my last one earlier today," you lied, hoping Haruto would buy it, which fortunately, he did. Haruto nodded his head, lazily handing you an extra pencil from his bag before continuing to work. You took the pencil into your hand, sending him a wary glance before continuing to work. 

The both of you passed the papers into a newly made stack, working in a breeze. You quickly copied the information, making sure your writing was readable before setting the student's information down in the stack. As you went through, you immediately stopped at a certain profile. 

Kim Yeongue.

You read through his profile, but it was everything you already knew. You knew his name, he was in your class, your age, etc. You already knew all of that, but your eye caught what club he was in. He likes art? You immediately recognized which art club he was in, it was the same one as Haeun's. 

You looked through the papers, trying to find a photo of him but you soon remembered, he's new to the school. You set the paper aside, continuing to finish the stack. By the time you finished, the sun was mostly down, only a bit peeking through from the horizon as the moon and stars were already high in the sky, dawning down on you two. 

You straightened the stack of papers, setting them neatly on the desk before looking around. Much to your dismay, Haruto was no where to be seen. The blinds for the classroom windows were closed, something Haruto probably did before leaving. You picked up your backpack, getting ready to leave until you remember you were still holding Haruto's pencil. 

You moved closer to his desk, setting it down on but a pastel pink sticky note caught your eye. You picked it up, pulling it closer to your eyes so you could read it better. 

'I was going to walk with you but you were taking too long. Next time when I ask you for help, don't take so long. Take the big roads and don't go the way you usually go, alleyways aren't safe. ~Haruto'

You deadpanned upon reading the note. "It feels as if Haruto is saying this to my face right now," you shuddered. 

Kim Yeongue
New Kid
- Year Three Middle School
- Club: Art
- Hideout: UNKNOWN 

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