N/A 2

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"Please come down for dinner, Haeun invited her friends to have dinner with us," Mom knocked on your door loudly. "If you don't come down I expect your phone, laptop, earbuds, and all your games in my bedroom tonight!" She threatened you, finally taking her leave.

You sat in your seat, frozen for a bit. You looked out your opened window, watching as five boys and your twin sister walk into the house, greeting Mom. "Ah! Sehyoon you got more handsome!" Mom exclaimed, welcoming each of them with a warm hug.

Silently, you walked over to your wardrobe, not forgetting to close your laptop. "I'll finish watching YG Treasure Box after dinner." You pulled out random pieces of clothing, throwing them on without much thought. Unlike your sister, you had no interest in fashion and you planned for it to stay that way. As siblings, it's either they're the same with the same likes or they're the complete opposite. You and your sister are opposites.

You slipped on a baggy white T-shirt and put on some shorts, tucking in the front part of your T-shirt so it didn't look like you weren't wearing any pants. Your shirt was a bit wrinkled and you still had some paint stains on it, but it was presentable, to you at least. You took your phone into your hand along with your earbuds. You opened your door and finally left your safe zone.

You took your time walking down the stairs, not wanting to see any of your sisters friends, but sadly, you had to. "Hello~" They chorused, catching the attention of Mom and Haeun.

"I didn't think you'd come down." Mom stated simply, not giving you much a reaction as she continued cooking. You would never admit it out loud, but it hurt. 

"Of course she would come down, she'll just stay up all night anyway." Haeun rolled her eyes, leaning back on the couch she sat on. The kitchen and living room were right next to each other so Mom could see what the six were doing in the living room. They were scattered around the living room around the T.V, playing some games that you haven't touched in a few years.

You awkwardly stood by the stairs, unsure of what to do. This was why you hate coming down when you're asked, because you have nothing to do. You'd rather be upstairs watching anime, but sadly it can't be like that. You plugged in your earbuds, leaving one side out since that side was broken and playing some random anime openings you had downloaded on your phone. 

"What are you doing just standing there? Here, come sit over here and watch Yuchan beat Junhee!" One of Haeun's friends patted the space beside him, smiling kindly at you. You believed his name was Byeongkwan. You reluctantly took a seat beside him, feeling his eyes watch your every move. You stayed quiet and instead of asking why he was looking at you, you stared at the T.V, watching them play Mario Kart. 

By the time Yuchan beat Junhee for the third time, Mom called out to you, Haeun and her friends. "Dinner is ready! It's nice outside, so go eat on the porch," she told you guys. The six ran outside instantly, praising my mother's food. You slowly got up from the ground, feeling your phone vibrate in my pocket. You opened your phone, reading the notification. 

24/7 Anime
YG Treasure Box released an Otome Game
Play for free by using the code from 24/7 Anime
YES        NO

You clicked on 'YES', but nothing happened. You shrugged it off, thinking that it was just a bug or they were trying to try something out. It didn't really matter to you on what they were doing. "Hayoon!" You pulled your eyes away from your screen, looking up at the person who called you. It was Donghyun. He waved his hand, telling you to go over to him. "Come eat!" 

You stuffed your phone in your pocket. You walked over to the six that sat on the porch, the smell of barbecue filled your nose. Junhee and Donghyun were cooking the meat for Haeun, Yuchan, Sehyoon, and Byeongkwan. Mom probably went into the dining room to eat boiled chicken. As you walked towards them, you came to an abrupt halt in the door way. You smiled bitterly. There were no more room for you. Physically and mentally. 

Instead of stepping your foot out of the house, you just turned around. "Where are you going?" Sehyoon asked, gaining the attention of everyone else. You shrugged. 

"I'm not that hungry," You lied. When they didn't respond, you took it as you could leave. You walked away in your silence and they soon began laughing and goofing off. Your presence didn't really matter to them, as theirs didn't matter to you. You shouldn't be hurt; but you were. You lifted your foot and set it on the stairs, dejected. As you were going to continue to go up, a voice behind you spoke, startling you slightly.. 

"Stay," his voice was soft. You turned around slowly, looking at the boy who you used to call a friend. He was just like everyone else though. 

"Why," You asked, staring blankly at him, "Why should I stay? When you didn't." He looked at you, regretful. 

"Hayoon-" You shook your head, sighing. You turned around to continue going up, but he took your hand into his. "Hayoon-" He spoke louder, but you pulled your hand away. 

"Yuchan," You started, "You're the one who made your decision and plus, we both know I'm not into drama." You walked up the stairs and left to your room. You locked the door as soon as it was shut, beginning to feel comfortable. You always felt comfortable in my room. It was my safe zone. 

You threw yourself on your bed, ignoring your stomach that growled. You pulled out your phone, noticing you got another notification. 

24/7 Anime
We and YG Treasure Box hope you have a great time playing!

You looked at your phone in confusion, and a that moment, you heard loud beeping noises coming from next door. The vacant house. You ran over to the closed window, opening the blinds and looking over at their front lawn. A moving truck slowly backed onto the driveway, a bunch of young boys stepping out of cars and beginning to unpack. 

They seemed vaguely familiar, but before you could even think about recognizing them, one boy looked up and into your window. Immediately, you shut the blinds, your heart beating irregularly. "I should just finish YG Treasure Box...yeah..." You moved away from your window, shuddering as you remembered the boy who looked straight at your window. 

You turned my body away and faced your other window, the moon glowing into my dark room. You didn't realize that it was night. When you were talking with Yuchan, the sun was still setting. Something felt very off, but you didn't want to over think it. You moved closer to your window, mesmerized by the mellow glow of the moon. 


24/7 Anime//Kim YeongueWhere stories live. Discover now