Yedam's Route 1

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You left school early that day due to Haruto's commands. Usually, he would ask you to help him with work after school, but today he didn't tell you what to do, in fact, he didn't speak to you all day. You were worried but Jeongwoo told you not to, telling you Haruto may just be going through another episode. 

You wanted to ask what he meant, but you knew it wasn't his place to tell. You walked down the street, the aroma of fresh coffee filled your lungs as you walked through. Drawn too the aroma, you walked into the near-by cafe, the cafe's warm air embraced you. The cafe was small but not too small. Dark brown wood bordered the cafe, red couches crowded the corner. 

The place was warm and cozy, a cafe you  definitely liked. You walked towards the front counter, standing in front of the shiny wooden counter. A young boy stood there, his black hair covering his eyes as he gave you a blank stare. You found him familiar until you looked down at his name tag. "Yoonbin..." You mumbled his name loud enough for only you to hear yourself. 

"What would you like," he sounded bored - not even - probably annoyed. You didn't say anything about the tone he gave you, just wanting your drink. 

"I'd like a cafe mocha, please," he nodded his head, tapping some buttons on the cash register. You took the time to look around the cafe again, noticing how there weren't as many people in the shop as you'd thought. There was a couple in the corner which you only took a short glance of, not fond of couples and there was a boy who was staring at his laptop. 

The boy sat at a table in the middle of the cafe, near where you were standing. "That will be five dollars and thirty eight cents." You turned back to Yoonbin, pulling out your wallet and handing him the money. He took it in a swift moment, pushing you the coffee cup with it's warm content. You smiled, grateful. 

"Thanks-" As you turned around to find a seat, you almost ran into someone's chest. Moving fast, you tried to step out of the way. You're foot caught onto the leg of a nearby stool, tripping you. The boy who sat near you stood up, staring at his ruined laptop, your coffee cup rolled off of the table and fell onto the ground, your coffee dripping off from his laptop and onto the table where it then dripped onto the ground. 

You could only groan in pain, having your face kiss the floor wasn't the best feeling. "SHIT!" Your hands held your face in pain but you opened your fingers, taking a look at the mess that was caused. The boy was mad - beyond pissed. His sharp eyes glared down at your small figure, your body shrinking down in fear and intimidation. 

"I-I'm sorry!" You squeaked, putting your arms crossed in front of your face in a defensive position. "I tripped over the stool because I was going to run into someone, I'm sorry!" You clasped you hands together when he was staring at you longer, his glare hardening by the second. "I-I'll pay for it! How much is it? Or I'll help pay for it since this is all I have on me," You were about to pull out your wallet but stopped when you heard him scoff. 

"I don't need your pitiful money," You flinched at his tone, biting your lip as you felt tears well up in your eyes. You felt dumb and vulnerable. Were you really going to cry because of a guy who's yelling at you because you broke his laptop? Yes, you were. 

Tears fell from your eyes, your hands quickly moving to wipe them off your cheeks. You sniffed, trying to wipe all of your tears that fell, but they just kept falling. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" You heard him sigh. 

You looked up, finally taking a clear look at him. He was cute, but scary. His black hair was kinda long, his bangs reaching his fox like eyes. You watched him ruffle his hair, a frustrated look expressed on his face. "Okay okay I get it, you're sorry so stop crying," he huffed, avoiding your gaze. 

"Are you sure?" You asked. You won't deny it, you sounded like a child when you asked, but you didn't care. The laptop looked expensive and you just went ahead and broke it. Unintentionally, yes, but it was still your fault. He nodded his head. 

"Yeah sure," was all he said, taking some napkins to start cleaning up the mess. Watching him do so, you didn't want him to be the only one cleaning. You stepped back at the counter, looking at Yoonbin who was actually staring at you. 

"Could I use a rag?" Yoonbin stared at you for a while before nodding his head, tossing an orange rag at you, which you thankfully caught. You bent down to the boys table, beginning to clean the coffee. It didn't take long for the both of you to clean it. "I'm Hayoon," You randomly introduced yourself, getting up from your bending position. You watched the boy roll his eyes, swinging his backpack on his back. 

"And I don't care," he responded, tossing the napkins away before coming back to grab his laptop. Before he could walk away, you grabbed onto his wrist. 

"It was nice meeting you Yedam," you let go of him, walking back to the counter to give back the rag to Yoonbin, not noticing the look Yedam gave you. 

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