Normal Route 1

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Your alarm blared in your ears, earning an annoyed groan. Why was my alarm even on? You knew you still had a few days left before school started. You reached your arm out to turn off the alarm, but instead of feeling your alarm, you felt a thin hair run through your fingers. You jolted out of bed, your heart jumping out of your rib cage as you turned to look at Haeun. She smiled sweetly, her eyes disappearing. 

"You're up," she spoke sweetly. You looked at her, skeptical. Is she high or something? "Hurry up, Mom made us breakfast. You don't want to be late for school," Haeun left the room without cursing you or anything, shocking you greatly. Whatever she's smoking, it must be some strong shit. 

You slowly got out of my bed, looking at the time of the clock. "Five-forty-seven," You yawned out. Your eyes panned around the room. Everything looked fine except for two things: the window facing the vacant neighbors house was open and you were missing a picture frame that was always faced down. For some reason, you couldn't recall the missing picture and why you were so worried about it. 

You turned to look at the time again, realizing that you really need to get going. You rushed over to the bathroom and washed up. You ran over to your room not long after and changed into your school uniform. "Hayoon! Hurry up!" You rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen, almost slipping and expecting Haeun's friends to be over like usual, but it was just them. 

Instead of the usual toast and cereal, pancakes were all over the table. Another thing you seemed to notice was that they had set a third plate for you. They usually didn't do that since you rarely come down to eat. You took the seat in front of the third plate, giving your Mom and Haeun wary glances. 

"Why do you look like that?" Mom chuckled lightly, "Eat."

"Where's Yuchan? And Byeongkwan and Sehyoon and Junhee and Donghyun?" They looked at you as if you were crazy; but aren't they the crazy one's? What reality am I living in? Haeun stared at you funny, her eye brows creased up. 

"Are you okay, sis? Did you eat something funny?" You bit your lip. Sis? Haeun hasn't called you that for years, much to your knowledge. Nothing felt right anymore. 

"Come on, stop with the jokes, we all know that this," You gestured to the table, "and this," You then pointed to Haeun and your Mom, "aren't normal."

"Jokes?" Mom looked at you, a worried expression on her face. "Are you sick, Honey?" Honey? 

"Come on, stop it," You edged on, but they only looked at you with more bewilderment. Their stubbornness made you sigh in defeat, your hand reaching over to grab a utensil. "Fine, let'" 

You ate your food in silence as Mom and Haeun chatted away, sometimes trying to bring you in the conversations, but you didn't add much into the conversations. You could only think of what happened. You came up with a theory of what happened, but you needed more proof to prove your strange and highly impossible theory. All you had to do is play along until you can prove your theory and solve your predicament. You sighed. Who am I kidding? It's easier said than done. 

You and Haeun set out for our last year of middle school. The vacant house next door wasn't vacant anymore. The moving truck was still there, even though it was empty. A young man stepped out, thanking one of the workers. You recognized the man immediately, he's - 

"HYUNSUK!" The boy jumped and turned around to face the older man. 

"Byunggon!" Hyunsuk yelled back, running back into the house. Your eyes lingered on the white modern house. Haeun elbowed your side, gaining your attention and a groan. 

"What's with the stares at our new neighbors, huh? You think they're cute or something?" You rolled your eyes and let out a huff, walking down the sidewalk in silence. They looked like those characters, you recalled, the one's from YG Treasure Box. They can't be, can they? 

You sighed out in frustration, not wanting to believe if your theory was real. You just wish that this is a realistic dream so that you can wake up as soon as possible. It didn't take long before you reached your school. It looked the same, giving you some type of relief. You walked to your homeroom, the same homeroom as your sister. 

As you walked into the room you felt the stares of everyone in the room, fixated on your body. "Good morning Hayoon!" They chorused. You mouth hung ajar as you eyed everyone in the room, bewildered. You walked over to your seat and took a seat, resting your head on the desk as your eyes fluttered closed. Just then, a group of boy walked in which you opened your eyes, wondering why the room suddenly grew 10 times in volume. 

"It's Haruto, Jeongwoo, and Yeongue!" a girl squealed. You lifted your head up at the familiar names, turning to look at the three boys who walked in. At this point in time you were definitely sure: anything is possible.


Otome Game Became Real
- Anime characters are real
-Everyone is acting differently

"There's an end to every game, so I have to play along to come to the end."

24/7 Anime//Kim YeongueWhere stories live. Discover now