The Boys Who Didn't Last the Night

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Author's Note

Hello everyone :) I would like to say a few things before you read this story.

1. if you have read the book Les Mis forget everything you have read I have changed almost everything about the chacter's personalities. 

2. The chacters won't be totally off as their chacter in the book I will change a few things about these chacters.

In this chapter, it is mosly getting to know the main characters. These are going to be the main characters the others will be in the story but most likely won't have it in their POV. 

Yeah that is it, I hope you enjoy my version of Les Mis.

My name is Enjolras, I am a leader of a revolution against the French. I have followers who want to be in the revolution, many of them get really into it but some sit back and listen. Grantaire, oh my god, R is very different he isn't like most men who want to be in the revolution. He gets drunk and very attactive. But now time for that, I have a revolution to plan for. 

Plans, secret hide outs, barricades, where, when, how, who will join us, will the people stand up? Those are all questions they ask me, but some times I can't answer these questions. 

The hardest part of all of this is, trying to keep these men in line when all they want to do is drink, get drunk, and have fun. My job is to get the work done so we can have this revolution. Work, stay up all night to work, stay up all to work. They all complain that all I do is work, but it has to be done.

I am a rich young man, and I will be the leader for the revolution. I will die for the revolution if I have too. I will watch my friends die for the revolution, it has to be done.

The day for the revolution is getting close, I need to get everyone ready for it. It is getting hardier to keep everyone focused with Marius running in here talking about love. He thinks I know nothing of love, but I do or at least I think I do.

Grantaire looked over at me when Marius said,"Enjolras, you know nothing of love, maybe if you did would see that maybe what we are about to do is wrong."

I looked over at Grantaire and he smirked at me so I rolled my eyes at him. I would always think to myself, does he feel the same way about me?

But I don't have time for things like that, revolution comes before my lonely soul. I would always tell that to Marius but he would never listen to that. 

I would tell the men when we would all be together,"Red, the blood of angry men. Black, the dark of ages past. Red, a world about to dawn. Black, the night that ends at last."

They loved that, we would sing those words, until Marius had the bright idea to change the words because of how he thought he was in love.

Grantaire's POV

Blondy needs to get a life outside of this revolution. He needs to sit down and have some wine with me, but he is always working. He always tells me,"R, I need to work. Go have some wine with someone else."

But I don't want a drink with anyone else, I want a drink with him. 

I always have a drink with me, I get these nasty head aches every morning. I don't know why, I think it means I should drink more.

But this revolution is getting in the way. Yes, I do want a revoultion, well kinda. But this stupid revolution is getting in the way of me being able to spend time with Blondy. And when something like that gets in the way of that, that makes this revolution a problem. 

When I get home at night, I draw Blondy in this notebook I have. I always keep it hidden so no one sees those drawings. I draw many other things too meaning that I want to be an artist. But with the revolution I don't draw as much as I use to which sucks but I get to see Blondy more so what the hell. 

Marius' POV

Hello, my name is Marius Pointmercy. Me? Am I in the revolution? Hell yeah. I get drunk with my friends, I live with Courfeyrac, I had no where to live so he let me come live with him. He is not like most men I have ever met before. But that doesn't matter, he is my friend.

Courf is always trying to set me up with these ladies he met, or says that he knows. I am pretty sure he finds random women off the streets and makes me meet them. I would prefer to stay away from women, they always stare at me. It is probaly because I am so poor.

Courf is good with the ladies, but I can tell he already loves someone. He won't tell me who he loves, so I don't push it. After all he lets me live with him.

I once saw this beautiful lady, but she was like a ghost. One second she was standing there and then I moved to see her better but she was gone! I told myself that she wasn't real and that I would never see her again, but I could never get her out of my head. 

I never told anyone about this lady, unless if I saw her again. I always wish that I would see her again, but I never did. But then one day I did.

I tried to tell Enjolras about love sometimes, but he has never seen love before so it is a hard thing to try to explain to him. He is bind to things like that, all he thinks about it revolution. It is probaly a good thing he is the leader of the revolution, because that is all he thinks about. 

Cosette's POV

My life is lonely, and I am always on the run. All my life I have been running from the government, and I never knew why. I was told to run, so I did. My life was full of running, hiding, and staying low. Because I had to stay low I never got to have any friends, no best friends, no boyfriends. 

The one day when I was walking around, I saw this man. He was different, that's why I fell in love with him. I never knew I could fall in love so fast. Do people fall in love that fast?

I never got to talk to him, right after I saw him I had to go back to running and hiding. I never did see him after that, I would always look for that man wherever I went. Back to my usual life run, hide, and stay low.

Jehan's POV

Hello, my name is Jehan. I like flowers, no stratch that I love flowers. Flowers make everything better, I gave a flower to Courfeyrac and he laughed. I love his laugh, he is perfect just like the flowers. 

Courfeyrac's POV

Today was a good day, Jehan gave me a flower. I loved this flower he gave me so I brought it home with me and of course Marius was there when I walked in with this flower. He laughed at me for having a flower and asked,"Are you going out with another lady tonight?"

I didn't know what to tell him so I said,"Yes, I think she might be the one."

Even though in my mind I wasn't talking about some lady I fell in love with, I was thinking about Jehan. I was thinking about how he found my flower and gave it to me. 

I was with Jehan after one of our little meeting type things for the revolutions and I was walking with Jehan going back to my place. It was a long walk to get there, and Jehan told me,"Hey Courf, I found this short cut we can take back to where you live."

I laughed and asked,"Why do you need to come to my place?"

He smiled and told me,"I am going to a market by your place,"

He lead me to a forest and said,"This is the short cut."

So we went into the woods, I followed Jehan he told me he knew the way. But I could tell he got lost. While we were walking we saw this field, so we walked over to it. There were flowers everywhere and Jehan's eyes light up when he saw them. We walked around looking at the flowers, and he stopped me and pointed at a blue flower.

He bent down next to that flower and picked it up. He stood up and walked over to me and handed it to me. I was shocked when he did that, I thought he would have kept the flower for himself because I could tell how much he liked it.

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