Chapter 1

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Grace's POV

I woke up and checked my phone. One text notification was waiting for me.

From: Mamrie

Hey! I've got nothing to do today. Wanna go for lunch at 12?

I quickly responded, agreeing to meet her. Truthfully, I didn't really have anything to do today, so I was happy to hang out with one of my best friends! I looked back at my phone to check the time. It's 11 already!? I jumped out of bed and started getting ready.

I curled my hair slightly and quickly did my makeup. I changed into "sort of acceptable clothing" ( meaning sweatpants and a shirt) By that time it was 11:30. Knowing that the traffic would probably be really bad, I got into my car and started driving.

Twenty five minutes later I arrived at Mamrie's favorite restaurant, a cute little café, located in the outskirts of the city. I open the door and walked in, scanning the small room. Though it was busy, I could see Mamrie, sitting at a small table, on her phone. I walked over and sat down across from her.

"Hey Mames! " I said enthusiastically.

"Heeey!" She said back. " so what's new with you?"

"Not much, workin' on the book mostly."

We continued our conversation for a little bit, talking about boring, normal stuff. Our server took our orders and we continued on with our chattering. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I took a look at my phone.

"Anyone interesting?" Mamrie asked while laughing.

"Chester see..." I responded, confused.

"Ooh! What'd he say?" Mamrie said, intrigued.

"He says he wants to hang out sometime."

Mamrie started giggling and clapping her hands. "Yesss yes ! Say yes! Awe. Gracie's got a booyyy!" She said excitedly.

"C'mon Mames! He doesn't like me 'like that'!" I said, trying to look annoyed. I didn't want her to know I was actually freaking out on the inside. Chester's a super hot guy from YouTube. I had done a clown with him once before, but nothing really big. He had broken up with his girlfriend a couple months ago, and I knew he still loved her. There's no way he would even think for a second of liking me!

Mamrie must have seen the look of disappointment on my face because she said to me "Graace! You're a catch and a half, and you know it! Don't down play yourself! "

"Thanks Mames." I said quietly.

Once I got back from lunch with Mames, I texted Chester back.

Yeah that would be great! Are u free tomorrow at 12:30?

I decided to be bold and ask him directly. I hesitated and then hit 'send'.



Hey ! I know this first chapter sucks but it'll get better, I promise!

Please follow me on insta : @youtubes_my_obsession

Kay! Byeeeeeeeee

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