Chapter Three

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Chester's POV

I looked up from my phone and saw Grace walking into the restaurant. She looked beautiful as usual, her hair curled and her eyes bright. I gave her a little wave as she made eye contact from across the room. She walked over to the table I was sitting at, and took the seat across from me.

" Hey Grace! How are you?" I asked, trying to sound casual, but I'm sure it came across as desperate.

"I'm great! It's good to see you again!" She responded. As she said this, my heart started pounding. Calm down Chester. She's just being friendly. That's what FRIENDS do.

"Yeah. I figured, we hadn't seen each other since Camp Takota. I thought it would be good to catch up." I said to her with a smile on my face. " So what have you been up to?" I tried to say it with sounding like a stalker, but I'm not very good at being subtle.

"I've been really busy, actually, I have my book, videos, lots of stuff!" She answered.

We talked for a bit, not about anything meaningful, but I was with Grace. That's all that mattered. God that sounds creepy doesn't it! I'm not that obsessed... Well maybe I am! I started to feel more comfortable with her, opening up more. By the end of the meal, I felt a burst of confidence. You can do it , Chester! Go on, ask her out! Part of me really wanted to, but the smarter side of me knew better. A girl like her would NEVER go for someone like me!

Grace's POV

I was really enjoying myself. I felt myself opening up to Chester a little bit every minute. By the end of the meal, we were acting as if we had been friends forever. I just hoped he didn't notice me staring at him sometimes. My God, was he attractive! His sense of humor made him even more hot. I really liked guys who could make me laugh. But I knew that it would never work out. A: he was waaayy to hot to ever like someone like me. B: he was still getting over his last girlfriend. C: our subscribers would go INSANE!

Know the last fact, I figured I could have a little fun with it. I decided to ask Vhester to do a little collab with me. Nothing big, just a collab, everyone did them.

"Hey Chester? I was uh- wondering if you uh-" His eyes lit up, intrigued. "Wanted to do a collab with me sometime?" He looked a little disappointed, did he not want to do one? He quickly switched the look on his face and responded.

"Yeah! That would be great!" He seemed genuinely excited, so I didn't feel that bad anymore. " How about in week?"

"Sounds good!" I said standing up. " well, I gotta go."

"Yeah. Okay. Wait! Can we take a selfie first?" He said laughing. I laughed and nodded. We took a picture on both of our phones, so we could post them on Instagram.


Later that day

I posted the picture and tagged him in the post. Within seconds, people were already commenting.


"I can hear the hearts of hartbig shippers breaking!"

"Grace + Chester = GRESTER"


It was kind of cute, how crazy it made them. I checked Chester's Instagram, and he had had the same reactions.

Grester. That's kinda cute!



Hope anyone who's reading this enjoyed! Please comment, saying what you want to happen. I'm gonna try to update as much as I can!

Stay fcute!

I don't know!


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