Chapter 5

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*two weeks later*
Chester's POV

Today was the day. Today was the day I would get all of my courage up and ask her out. But first I needed some guidance.. Professional guidance. That's right, I was gonna ask the best Grace professional I knew, Mamrie Hart.
I decided to call her and ask if we could meet up for lunch, hopefully she wouldn't tell Grace about it. I kind of wanted it to stay a secret.
I pulled out my phone and dialed Mamrie's number.
Fuck... She's not answering.
"Hello?" I heard Mamrie's voice.
"Hi Mamrie it's Chester!" I tried to sound the least bit nervous as I could.. I'm pretty sure I sounded like a nervous wreck.
"Chester!! How are you?" She answered cheerfully, yet also oddly teasingly.
"I'm good. I'm good. Um Mamrie, I was wondering if you could just help me figure ou-" I was cut off by a laughing Mamrie on the other end of the phone.
"Chester! Are you" She bursts out laughing half way through " trying to ask me about Grace?"
"How did you know?" I was pretty shocked that she had figured it out. I hadn't even managed to finish my sentence.
"C'mon ,Chester! It's so obvious that you like her! It wouldn't take a detective to figure that out!" She laughs again. "If you go on tumblr right now there are hundreds of teenage girls posting on the Grester tag!"
"Grester?" I questioned. To be honest I was really confused by the whole situation.
"My god are you ever stupid! Grace and Chester... Grester.. I know it's nothing compared to hartbig but come on ,Chester I would have thought you'd have been all over that shit!"
"Enough about tumblr Mames" I said, a little bit annoyed. "So should I ask her out? Does she even like me?"
"Chester, I'm not gonna talk for Grace. It's your job to go ask her!"
"But Mamrie!?" I wined.
"You sound like a six year old wining to his parents." Mamrie stated. "You gotta get the balls to ask her yourself, or live your whole life not knowing.."
"Okay. Okay. I'll ask." I said quietly.
"Bye Chester." She said as she hung up.

Now I just need to work up my courage. That was not as easy as it seemed. Especially after Taryn..
After an hour of sitting at a table, staring at my phone, I finally texted her.
-Hey Grace! Wanna come over today?
Was that too forward..
No! You can't let yourself think that way! Keep your courage!
I modified the text a little.
-hey! Wanna come over today? I need some help editing
I quickly pressed send before I talked myself out of it.

Now is the wait..
Hey y'all! I'm Baaaaack!!
Sorry for not posting in like forever but I wasn't really inspired to write.. I'm gonna try to update more often but I'm not gonna make a schedule or anything..
Please comment telling me if you like the direction I'm going in, or if you want me to drag it out longer or whatever.
Anyways.. The story is over 600 reads!!! That's incredible!! Thanks so much!
I know this chapter is a little boring but it's better than no chapter! Lol
Anyways, you guys are amazing! Forehead kiss for all of you... Wait is that creepy? Nvm.
I don't know...

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