Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Listening to my shoes against the polished floor was becoming a new thing for me. I turned a corner and sat outside the principal's office waiting to be called in and possibly yelled at for the disagreement that Jessica and I had this morning in the hallway. Sitting there and thinking about what I had did, and what she had said to me, made me cringe but also feel quite proud of myself. My head still hurt so I leaned back on the chair resting my head on the wall behind me. I let my eyes close and took a deep breathe in to try and calm myself and my headache. As I breathed in though I felt a presence near me and opened my eyes to check finding none other than Alex O'Dell's face mere inches from my own.

I screamed slightly and he covered my mouth with his large hand. My eyes were wide and I got a shock so I did the only logical thing I could think of. I licked his palm. He didn't really taste like anything so I just sat there looking at him as he wiped my saliva off his hand.

He smirked and looked at me saying "If you really want something to lick I can arrange that."

My face contorted in disgust and I looked away so he couldn't see me blush.

"What are you doing here?" I changed the subject, rather hastily I might add.

"Well you see sweetheart, the principal doesn't really want to see you, in fact, and I sent that scared looking freshman to the class room with that note just to find out what happened to that pretty little face of yours."

"Well you see- wait. You think I'm pretty?" I asked, confused.

"No I was only saying that because it is a saying. You know? Like beat around the bush? Or cool as a cucumber?" he said with a straight face and for some I felt a falling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh okay, well if you really want to know then your little follower, or as I like to call her 'slut' decided that because I helped your cousin out yesterday and managed to stop the fight, I am her new target so I decided to show her a thing or two about who to, and who to not mess with. Not all nerds are subject to being physically abused you know." I said and noticed how he cringed when I spoke about Matt.

"Okay lets go." He said standing up. He kept walking and I sat there looking at him like he had grown another head.

"What do you mean? We have to get back to class." I said pointing over my shoulder.

"You're not serious are you? You just got in a fight, of which I did already know about because the video of it has been uploaded to YouTube and you want to go back to class?" He said with a disbelieving tone.

"Well yeah, it's not like I can just walk out of school looking like this! They will call my mum and want to know what has happened to me and everything will get out of control and what am I supposed to say to lizzy, she"ll see right through me, becauee she is really smart for a seven year old and oh my gosh-"

"Would you stop? You are over reacting over nothing. We will go to the nurse and you will act like you are ready to pass out and I will take you back to your house and I will help you get better. We can find some asprin and sort out that head ache of yours too." He cut me off.

"How did you know I had a headache?" I asked.

"I can tell you right now Kyra, this is not the first time I have dealt with someone who has just gotten in a fight. Maybe the first female fight, but it's still no less a fight. I have also had my fair share of fights so its not like I don't know what you are feeling." he said with confidence.

"Okay mister 'I'm so pro at dealing with the aftermaths of fights' what are we supposed to do?" I asked.

"We have to get you out of here, that's the first thing." he stated.

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