Chapter Seventeen

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(A/N) Lizzy is Kyra’s little sister

Chapter Seventeen

I jumped to the other end of the couch, away from Alex and he looked at me confused, then heard the sound of the door opening and someone walking in. I heard heels clacking against the floor so I knew it was my mum. When she stopped in the door way and looked in to see that the movie was playing she looked around the room and looked at the couch to find Alex and I looking at her like deer caught in headlights. My eyes were wide and I was looking between Alex and my mother hoping she wouldn't say anything to embarrass me but when I looked at her she had a knowing look. She walked towards me and didn't say anything. The closer she got the more her expression turned from slightly amused to concern.

“Kyra, what happened to your face?” my mum asked me, worry filling her eyes.

“Oh nothing much,” I said, her eyes widened and started to speak but I cut her off. “Don’t worry! You should see the other girl, she’s much worse.” I said proudly.

“The other girl? Kyra you were in a fight? Over what? Please don’t say it was over a boy!” she started to yell.

“Mum, mum! Please stop. My head hurts enough already please don’t yell.” I said holding my hands up in surrender. “Yes I got in a fight, and it was partially over a boy but it ended up being about me standing up for myself. I thought you would be proud.”

“Oh honey, I am proud,” she said, “but I’m your mother and I was worried seeing your face that colour!” I grimaced slightly at her use of words and realised I hadn’t actually seen my face since just after the fight and wondered what it looked like now.

“So what was I over? I want all the details!” she started to squeal like a teenage girl.

“Well it was-“

“Hey, I’m going to uh, go” I was interrupted by Alex. I forgot he was here so I jumped slightly when I heard his voice.

“Oh hello, Alex was it? Sorry I forgot you were here” my mother said, her amused expression coming back.

“Uh yeah, its Alex, sorry for intruding into your home, I came over to help Kyra get better, I thought she may have needed some company.” Alex said blushing slightly. I had to hold in a laugh because he was being so sensible when talking to my mum.

“Then give her company is what you shall do.” Mum said standing up. “I only came home to grab some lunch m but I can pick up a coffee and something from a café.”

“Are you sure mum? I thought you wanted to talk?” I asked

“No sweetie it’s okay, it looked like Alex has got you covered and it’s not like you were doing anything that I wouldn't approve of it is?” she raised her eyebrows and looked between Alex and I.

“No mum!” I shrieked, blushing for her accusation. 

“Don’t worry ma’am, I won’t do anything that will make you regret leaving your daughter with me,” he looked innocently at her but as soon as he turned his head, he gave me a wink.

“Okay, well I’m trusting you too okay? Don’t do anything you’ll regret, I am too young to be a grandmother.” She laughed and left the house with a ‘goodbye’

I looked over at Alex and he was already up from his position at the other end of the couch and walking towards me. He got closer and I felt my face heat up. He leaned in and his mouth was near my ear, I shuddered and sighed. Just as quickly as he was there, he was gone and sitting on the couch with the ice cream in his hands. The bastard tricked me.

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