Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

(A/N) Im sorry! Please put the murder weapons down!


Walking out of the bathroom and into my bedroom I snuggled under my blankets and reached for my phone.

Unlocking it I saw I didn't have any messages. I didn't know whether to feel thankful or disappointed.

Hey, I'm sorry for telling you to go to hell but the feeling that I got when I saw you was indescribable. I'll hear you out if you promise not to lie to me- Kyra

The reply was instant.

Honestly? Your apology means nothing. I don't want anything to do with you again- Alex

In that moment, my heart went straight to my feet. I didn't know he would say something like that. I thought if I gave him the chance to explain, then he would try to.

My previous suspicions from earlier in the day were right, what happened between us was more important on my end than his.


One day. One day was all it took for the feelings I thought I had for Alex to dimisnish and turn into nothing but anger. I felt anger at him for basically using me, I felt anger at Emma for kissing Alex and basically having sex with him against the wall and I felt anger at Matt for taking me around the back way to school and having me witness that.

But most of all, I feel anger at myself. I feel angry that I ignored the fact that I knew he was a player. I felt anger at myself for wanting Alex in more than a physical way.

Going to school the next day was hard, but not unbearable. I didn't talk to anyone who I knew would push my buttons so I stuck with Anna and Lauren the entire day. Between classes, during the classes we had together and lunch.

Alex only looked at me once throughout the entire day that I saw. It was during English when the teacher reminded us that our projects were due tomorrow and Alex met my eyes with a look of betrayal and hurt. Of what? I don't know but I could tell you in that minute, the amount of hurt he was feeling over what I had said, was nothing compared to the hurt and betrayal I felt yesterday morning.

The project that we had worked on was the only thing I wanted to do with Alex from this point onwards I found myself starting to slack off in classes and not do my homework to the fulllest potential because of his distractions. Or the fact that I let myself get distracted.

I think though, that I'm glad this has happend because it has made me realize that no matter how hard you try to change someone and their ways, you end up changing yourself. sometimes for better, but sometimes for the worse.

In my case it was a bit of both.

The plus side is my growth in confidence.

The minus is my lack of concentration in school.

I walked through the doors of school that morning wearing a pair of skin tight black jeans showing off the butt that I had been working on the last few months, and a light pink tank top covered in a leather jacket.

No one seemed to notice the difference in appearance but I certainly did. The change in the way I held myself made me realize that I don't need anyone to make me feel good about myself by giving me compliments. As long as I'm happy with myself, that's all that matters.

I can do dress nice for me. I don't need no man.

Anna and Lauren certainly noticed the change in appearance and wasted no time during lunch with the questions. I simply handed over my phone and told them to see for themselves.

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