Chapter Twenty

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The song for this chapter Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls. (Don't know if you guys will like it but it fits that chapter :) )

Chapter Twenty

I stayed behind for a couple of seconds and looked at robin curiously. “How did you know?” I asked.

“When I saw the way you and that Alex both were looking at each other outside and the confused look on the other twos faces, I called upon my motherly instinct and knew you needed a girls day in.” she said patting my shoulder.

I gave her a hug and walked up the stairs ready and preparing myself for a bombardment of questions and demanding answers.


True to her motherly instinct, Robin was right. We did need a girl’s day in. Not only did I tell the girls what had happened when Alex took me home but both Anna and I got the dirt on what happened on Laurens date. 

The way she spoke about him and what had happened made me see green with jealousy but it was over taken by the happiness I felt for her and I saw through my own issues of jealousy and I truly felt happy for my best friend.

Her eyes were glistening with bliss and the grin that was displayed on her face almost replicated a little girl on Christmas who had just found a puppy under the tree,

“He was the perfect gentleman, he opened my door and he complimented me and he was just so amazing!” she spoke. It was as if even though she was there in front of us she was reliving every single moment in her brain.

“He sounds like a great guy Lauren,” Anna said. “But to be fair, he’s the one lucky to have you.”

“Yeah, what she said,” I added. “Maybe he pining after you all those years taught him that the best things are worth waiting for.”

“You guys are so right,” she said dreamily. 

“So where did he take you?” I asked.

“He had this whole picnic set up for me! He made little sandwiches and he got cupcakes and sparkling grape juice and it was so romantic. We went into the woods and at first I thought he was going to kill me but then he pushed this tree away and I walked through and everything was set up. It was amazing and so romantic!” she was still coming down from her high of retelling the story and it was obvious because the look on her face was so content and distracted.

“He really is your perfect guy isn’t he?” Anna said.

“I think he is,” Lauren answered. “Would it be too soon to say I love him?” 

“I think you should wait a bit because you don’t want to confuse yourself between love and lust,” I said.

“What’s the difference?” Lauren asked.

“Well love is when you feel so many emotions towards them it creates the feeling of explosive butterflies in your stomach, you know, the good kind. That wherever they touch you feel sparks.” At this point I closed my eyes to picture the feelings as I described them. “You want nothing other than to be near them constantly and when you are near them, you want to love them with everything you have. Lust is totally different. Some of the feelings are similar, like the butterflies, but they mean something different. Lust is when you feel a physical attraction. You like the way they make you feel physically. They can be easily confused because of the similar feelings portrayed but the key thing to remember is that lust is almost purely physical and love is so much more than that. Love means they are your everything.”

I opened my eyes and looked up from the ground where I was lying to see both Anna and Lauren looking at me with wide eyes and their jaws nearly at the ground.

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