Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four


It would be interesting to see what Alex's interpretation on the whole situation is.

With my homework done and the light starting to fade away outside the window, I decided to have a shower and watch a couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars on my laptop. I have to say, Anna got me hooked on the series about a month ago and so far I'm only up to the second season with everything that's happened in the last month. I have been deprived of it.

Being distracted through my shower over what would happen in the morning was annoying but by the time I got out of the hot water, I told myself not to worry about it tonight and just to get lost in the world of teenage drama and trying to figure out who 'A' is.

I watched three episodes before shutting my laptop down and closing my eyes.

I was dipping into my slumber when my phone vibrated on my side table.

I unlocked my phone and I saw I had a text from an unknown number.

You never know who people really are, until they show their true colours- Anon

Because I was too far gone into sleepy land, I ignored the message and made a mental note to ask Alex about it in the morning. That was the last thing I remembered before sleep consumed me.


I am not going to lie and say that I had an amazing sleep last night and that everything was filled with dreams and happiness of what was going to happen at breakfast because that would be a lie.

I slept atrociously.

Between me not being able to get comfortable and an annoying tree branch constantly yapping on my widow outside, it was a pretty restless sleep. And that was without the worry of the breakfast which was soon to follow.

Instead of questions filling my mind like they had in the shower before bed, it was scenarios.

And not the nice ones either.

But without dragging n for a long time about my terrible sleeping habits, I managed to wake up properly at a normal time and get ready for school.

My outfit consisted of washed out boyfriend jeans and a baggy tank top. As always I topped the look off with my trusty Chuck Taylors. Black and beat up.

Walking down the stairs I could hear movement I the kitchen and I knew it was mum because I could hear the sound of fruit being chopped for Lizzy’s Breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen and mums eyes widened as she saw me.

“What on earth are you doing up at this reasonable hour?” she teased me. “Normally you wake up with a maximum of twenty minutes before school starts.”

It was true what she said. I always used to have to wake up and tend to Lizzy in the morning but since mum came home those two months ago I have learnt to let her do it and spend my time like a normal teenager.

Well as normal as I can get.

I scoffed, “So what? I still get to school on time don’t I?” I rolled my eyes and grabbed a piece of fruit for my lunch.

“So where are you going?” mum asked.

“To breakfast,” I replied and she raised her eyes brows in a questioning manner. “With Alex.”

“What happened to ‘I hope I don’t have to see him again’ and all that other rubbish you talked about?” she queried with a sly look on her face.

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