Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three


"You know exactly what I mean. Something has happened and I'm not one to pry into yours and Kyra's lives but if you want to talk about something then I'm here. All I can say from years of experience is that the best thing to rid yourself of guilt, is the truth and an apology," mum looked at me with expectant eyes and I was too lost for words so I nodded and went upstairs.

She was so accurate with everything she was saying. She had no idea how spot on she was. All the advice she gave me basically cleared the thoughts that had been invading my mind for the past twenty-four hours.

The only thing I had to work out now was how I was going to explain to Kyra what happened two years ago.


Kyra's POV

Sitting at the desk in my room doing my homework has never been such a tedious job. Normally I am an on task student and I don't get distracted but for some reason I couldn't seem to concentrate. My mind kept wandering. Whether it was how nice the weather outside my window looked or wondering what my friends were doing.

I looked over to my phone and I could practically hear it calling me to pick it up and text Lauren or Anna.

'Call them. Call them, Call them.' was the chant in my head I could hear from my phone.

I had an internal debate going on. To call them and ditch my homework, or continue with my homework so I don't get yelled at in class tomorrow.

I chose the latter option because I know how embarrassed I get when I get yelled at in class. My face is the epitome of embarrassed and I'm pretty sure I end up the colour of Clifford the big red dog. It's not a pretty sight to say the least.

Finishing up my Math homework I stood up and flopped down face first on my bed. The thing I didn't think about though was the fact that I had hard plastic resting on the bridge of my nose and it's safe to say, when I did flop down it hurt.

Laying there for a couple of seconds, I let the pain go away and I headed down stairs to see what mum and Lizzy were doing.

Both Lizzy and I really enjoyed our afternoon together and I think for the first time in a while, we had hung out properly and spent time together. Not in a hospital room or with Jason looming in the background. None of that, just a sisterly bonding time that I think we both needed.

Walking down the hallway I saw that Jason's bedroom door was slightly ajar. This was strange though because it's always closed. I put my hand on the door knob and was about to pull it shut when I heard his voice from the other side of the door.

"I have to tell her. I can't keep doing this," I heard Jason whisper in a stressed out tone.

I knew better than to listen in on my brother's conversation while he was on the phone but I was curious as to who he was talking about.

"Don't you dare call my sister that!" he exclaimed in a venomous tone and then he swore under his breath. I heard his footsteps pad across the carpet to his door and I thought for sure he had caught me until I saw the door slam shut in front of my face, missing my nose by about two inches.

I sucked in my breath and stepped back, not wanting to hear any more of the conversation, no matter how curious I was. If he wanted to tell me what was going on, he would do it in his own time.

I went down the stairs with a frown etched into my forehead, still wondering what the call was about and who he was talking to.

"Honey, why do you look so stressed?" My mum asked as I went into the kitchen. She was putting away the dishes that Jason and I had washed earlier after dinner.

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