Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

I thought through everything. From the way Emma had treated me so differently from the day I had come home crying to Jason about her. The way she changed entirely as a person because she no longer had anyone to control her wicked ways. She no longer had a true conscious, her mind and emotions clouded by the anger she felt towards me from separating her and Jason. I wonder if she truly realised though. The fact that it was her own fault she lost him.

I mean come on, what did she really expect?

Him to stay with her after she treated his baby sister like crap? It's not like he was blinded by love, I mean he was sixteen for Christs sake, he probably thought she was pretty and cute to have hanging on his arm around his friends.

Okay maybe that was a little mean.

The phone in my hand vibrated and I answered immediately after seeing Alex's name come up.

"I've figured it out," was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"Finally figured out that you are endlessly in love with me?" he quipped.

"Yes, I'm calling to confess my undying love," I replied, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"I knew it," he said, a slight chuckle in his tone. "Okay no serious time, what have you figured out, oh wise one."

"Did you just say-"

"Please ignore what I just said and tell me what you've figured out," he interrupted.

"Oh right, 'kay so, from my careful analysing of the information that I have received from-"

"Ky please get to the damn point woman,"

"Emmaandmybrotherdated for a while and she blames me for them breaking up," I spat out fast.

"Did you just say Emma and your brother dated?" he asked.

"Yeah I know, gross," I said, shuddering. "And just for the record he also told me how gross it was when she kissed and that there was too much tongue."

"Please don't remind me of that, it's something that I don't want to relive," I could picture his back muscles rippling as he shuddered at the thought of it.

Woah where did that come from, keep it together Kyra.

"Yeah, so that gives a pretty good reason as to why Emma was Matt's chosen one for all this crap they planned out. I still don't know why Matt is so desperate to ruin you though, and get to you. I mean I know you and your cousins treated him like crap, but has he done anything like this to your cousins at all?" I asked

"As far as I know he hasn't, but like I said, after grandma died we stopped seeing each other as much as we used to, I suppose I could text them and ask if he's gone all jealous and psycho around them or not?" he said.

"Yeah that's a good idea, then we can plan what to do about this whole jealousy and angry situation from there,"

There was a pause and I thought he was going to say something but before he could, I interrupted him.

"I'm sorry!" I blurted suddenly.

"That's okay- wait for what?" he asked confused.

"For calling you out in front of class today, calling you a cheater."

"Oh right, yeah that hurt a bit but I could see you didn't mean it," he said.

"Yeah, I just knew that Matt would know we were speaking again if he saw we were all nice to each other during the presentation," I started to explain.

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