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NAME: Jenna Eve Saltzman
SPECIES: Siphoner 

Jennie is known to be described as the "perfect girl next door." Although being popular and well-liked, the triplet is constantly putting herself in her sisters' shadows; putting their's and her father's needs above her own. With Gemini's prone to bipolar disorder, the usually stable Jennie is quick to become angry and defensive when it comes to her siblings.  With her absent mother and little attention she has from her father, it has caused the triplet to strive for perfection.


Possible Dependent Personality Disorder:
Jennie is dependent on her family's approval and love to be happy. Her emotional health is determined by the relationship with her family.

Possible Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder:
Jennie feels the need to have complete and total control over her environment, and having a perfect image.

Anger Issues:
Jennie is very quick to become angry and defensive, lashing out in extreme ways.

     Family History of Psychosis

Jennie needs to address her issues with creating a perfect image, her dependency on her family, and her anger. If her behavior continues to go unchecked she will have a psychotic break. Jennie also needs to establish an identity not relating to her sisters.

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