ScarletAmerica | I Will Protect You

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Literally, that is my new profile picture because I thought that it was perfect. 

     Steve knocked lightly on Wanda's door before he stepped in. He looked around and saw that she had not packed anything. Wanda was supposed to be going back home today, so this was very questionable. Steve walked over and sat down on the bed next to Wanda and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

     She looked away from the window, to Steve's hand and then to his face, before looking out the window again.  She opened her mouth, but soon closed it and shortly opened her mouth again to voice her thoughts.

"Before you say anything, I have to ask, why have you not packed anything? Tony told you to start about an hour ago." He pulled his hand back down to his lap before giving his full attention to Wanda.

"I didn't pack anything, because I've been thinking, thinking about a lot of stuff." She turned to face him, with a deadpan look and waited for her to ask her.

Steve then asked her the most cliché question, maybe, ever. 

"Thinking about what stuff."

"Well, is it really worth going back to Sokovia if Pietro isn't there? What if I can't go back without remembering what happened before everything? What'll happen if I break down and destroy something?" Wanda started to sob quietly before she put her face in her hands. Steve wrapped his arms around Wanda, subconsciously, and tried to comfort her. 

"I can go ask Tony and ask if it is okay for you to stay here? Of course, if you want me to." He slowly let go of Wanda and she simply nodded.


2 Weeks Later


     Steve knocked lightly on Wanda's door before she opened it mere seconds after. She moved out of the way for him to get in and she shut the door and went to sit down on her bed. Steve sat down right next to her and told her about what has been going on.

"I need to tell you something. Something very important." He let his head fall down, and Wanda knew what he was going to say. 

"I know, I'll have to leave soon, won't I?" Instead of looking down herself, she turned and looked at Steve's face. Just looking at his eyes, she could tell that they held so much pain, but she couldn't understand as to why. 

"No, you don't have to leave, technically. I talked it over with Tony and I said that you could live with me and he was fine with it. Wanda's eyes immediately went wide and, for once, she saw happiness in his eyes. 

     Wanda shook her head and tried to object.

"Steve, you really didn't have to do that. I could've worked something out on my own." She put her hand on his shoulder and stood up and walked over to open her window.

"Well, it's already been decided, so you might want to start packing soon, cause we leave in a few days." With that, he left Wanda with one thing left to do: remember


A Month Later


     After a long, grueling train ride, they had made it to Steve's apartment. He grabbed a key from his jacket pocket and unlocked the door and allowed Wanda to go in first, like the gentleman he is. She looked around in question as to how an apartment could be so empty. 

     There were little to no pictures on the wall. Only a small couch sat in the middle of the living room, a small kitchen with the shortest island Wanda had ever seen was here and there was a short hallway with only two separate doors. I guess he doesn't have much in here because he might not want to get too attached to anything if it gets destroyed.

     As Wanda looked around his small apartment, Steve walked up behind Wanda and wrapped his arms around her.

"I know it's not much, but I will make sure to protect you as long as you live here."


Word Count; 646



     I just wanted to say sorry that I haven't done anything for a while, it's just that I had to do two argumentative essays at the same time right as I went back to school and once I was done with everything else I had to do, it would be really late at night and I wouldn't feel like doing anything, so I'm Sorry.

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