Stucky | Riding Things (P2)

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                                                           Prompt #2

     Announcing to everyone that they were going to an amusement park, was not one of Tony's better ideas. The only people who actually seemed interested were Steve and Bucky. But what did they know about twenty-first-century amusement parks? The closest thing they know to an amusement park is Coney Island.

     Since they haven't been to one in so long, they didn't know what 'Kings Island' was when Tony introduced it. Immediately, the heads of Natasha, Sam, and Bruce turned to Tony. Natasha was the first to speak.

"If it's Kings Island, then hell yeah I'll go!" She says, letting her emotions show for once. Bruce just shrugs.

"Alright, I guess I could go now."

     Tony clasps his hands together with a joyous look on his face. He starts to announce the plans to them.

"Alright. Then, if we're all good to go, then I suspect we can leave now?" 

     Natasha, Bruce, Steve, and Bucky all leave to go get into something better for the occasion. Of course, Bucky and Steve take longer to get ready.

"Good. Now, let's head to Kings Island!" Tony says as they march off to the car.


     It was hard getting everyone into one car, so when everybody had the chance to step out, and breath in the amusement park air. (believe me, that air smells horrible) It was a mixture of hotdogs, popcorn, sweat, and other various foods. Everyone else stepped out as Tony offered to park the car. 

     As he was trying to find a parking spot in the never-ending ocean of cars, the rest of the gang walked up to the front and waited for him. I know, nice of them to do. Right? Yeah, sure. Eventually, he made it over to them, and they all got their tickets and walked inside the actual park.

"Alright everyone, do what you want. We leave here whenever we want!" 

     And with that Tony left with Peter, Natasha left with Clint and Bruce, Steve and Bucky left together. Wanda and Vision walked away. Which that left Rhodey, and Thor. They just opted to walk around as a group. 


     Eventually, Tony and Peter met up with Bucky and Steve and figured out that they had all ridden the same rides. So Peter opted that they all decide on something. Immediately, Bucky knew what he wanted to say.

"So, any ideas for what we should ride next?" Peter asked. 

     Bucky just pointed at Steve and said-- "I want to ride that." As he casually kept looking at the map. Steve choked on the ice-cream that he was eating. If that's even possible. Tony let out a loud sigh as he stared at him.

"Could you go at least one -fucking- day without having to be gay?!"

"You're asking for way too much," Bucky replied as he looked up from the map.



Word Count: 470


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