ThunderScience | Grumpy Morning Heads (r)

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*dedicated to iamsporty657, check out their page, they are such a great person who's stuck with this book even after i hadn't uploaded in forever* 

     Having a movie marathon last night was a terrible idea for both of them. Now it was the next and not one of them chose to get out of bed.


Just Last Night


     Thor came running down the stairs to Bruce, who was sitting on the couch, with a box full of different movies inside and others that have fallen out. Bruce was in for a surprise when Thor just randomly shoved the box in his face. (poor bruce ),: ) He basically threw his book across the room when Thor surprised him.

"Bruce! I have the most excellent idea!" Thor had been reading certain... websites... about what humans enjoyed to do when they had time off. Having a movie marathon was one of the top picks on the list. Bruce was still in shock and Thor's incessant yelling was not helping. 

"What is it, Thor?" He looked down questioningly at the box and up at Thor before looking up at the box. It took a couple times for him to do this before he realized what his lover was implying. 

"Huh, you want to have a movie marathon I'm guessing?" Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose and heard Thor go back upstairs and quickly come back down with his arms filled with blankets and pillows.

"H-how? W-wh-what...? How in hells name--?" 

"Do not question it, Bruce, it is simply Asgardian magic." Bruce had the best sarcastic comment in his head, but he kept it to himself, for he knew that Thor wouldn't get it. 

"Oh just come here, you big oaf." As commanded, Thor walked over and sat down next to Bruce. He pulled one of the blankets over him and his lover and held him close. 


Present Day


     Remembering the events of last night, Bruce looked up to see the god's handsome face. This man was just to perfect for him. In every single way. Thor was just too perfect for him. Bruce shook his head and quickly pushed those thoughts into the back of his mind before they could become anything worse. 

     Bruce could feel Thor move from under him, so he quickly got up and lightly shook him. He quietly mouthed some words to him, hoping that it would help.

"Thor, come on. You have to get up." This time, Bruce shook Thor with a bit more, before he heard a strangled groan escape his lover's lips. 

"Hhhmmm, I'm fine staying here." That marathon di something terrible to Thor. It might've given him fatigue. Well, that wasn't really that bad, as long as it was minor fatigue. Now that Thor was in such a deep sleep like this, there was only one way to get him to wake up. 

     With a defeated sigh, Bruce let out the words he thought would never leave his mouth.

"If you wake up... I'll let you make us breakfast." Thor's eyes went wide and his whole body perked up immediately. It wasn't long before he had all of the blankets pulled off of his half-naked body and was striding for the kitchen. 

     This was admittedly the worst mistake Bruce was going to ever make.


Word Count; 519


this was short, but it was supposed to be a little drabble, but of course i had to make it longer that what it should've been 😋

also, don't expect me to post three chapters every two days, because i can;t continue with that. without extra work, it was stressful enough.

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