SpideyPool | This Town

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     Spider-Man swung from building to building, letting his webs fall as he thwipped out another one.  Eventually, he stopped swinging and sat on the edge of the building he had landed on. From the distance, Peter could hear the distant voice of a familiar merc.

"Spidey! How's my baby-boy been doing? Ooh, I see you still have that amazing ass of yours." Wade's mouth twisted into a cheeky smirk and Peter just rolled his eyes at the merc.

(You are not helping right now. He obviously seems down about something, and you're not helping. At all.)

[I agree with Logic on this, you really aren't]

"Goddamnit, will you two just shut up!" Peter looked up at Wade in confusion... Who was he talking to? Peter still didn't know about the voices in Wade's head. Even after 12 years since he met him. He knew nothing about what went on inside Deadpool's head. And maybe it was for the better.

     Deadpool walked over and sat next to Spidey, with his legs dangling dangerously far off the ledge. It never mattered if something was dangerous or not to him, until now. Not when someone could come up behind Petey and just push him off. Out of all the things he's seen, that scared him the most. 

     Wade opened his mouth to speak, but Peter interrupted him, unknowingly of course. He looked over at Wade before speaking, though. 

"I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately..." Peter looked back ahead of him before he paused for a short moment. 


(Stop right now)

[We both know you want it too]

"I was thinking about how everyone I know has already settled down, and they've just barely explored the world. I mean, I can see why they did though, but they're all still here. In New York, and I just think about how I so badly wanna get out and see the world, ya' know?" By now, Wade was just staring at Peter, wondering how his face could look so sexy in the sun. When Spidey turned to look at him, expecting an answer, it caught him off guard.

"Uuh... yeah- I mean- uhm..." Wade couldn't string together a slew of words, because he hoped so badly that his Spidey hadn't noticed that he was incessantly staring at him. But, staring into his eyes like this, just wanted to make him kiss the spider boy even more than how much he already wanted to.

"Erh... well, I was thinking about somewhere else and I kinda bought tickets to go all the way to California." Peter moved his hand to scratch the back of his neck and let out an embarrassed chuckle. To say Wade thought that what Peter had just done, was adorable would be an understatement. 

"Wait, what? You're going to California!? I thought you said you wanted to--" Wade was abruptly interrupted as Peter attempted to explain himself. 

"I know, I know. That was what I said twelve years ago when I was fifteen. That was before I knew what I actually wanted to do in my life." Peter finally brought his legs up and held his knees to his chest. 

"Well, uh, why are you going to Cali, anything specific?" There was an awkward silence between them before it was broken. 

"Yeah, I got a new job. They want me there soon, so I'll be leaving soon, I guess."Peter just shrugged and Wade could tell that he wasn't happy about something. And it wasn't about the job. It was about something else.

     Wade stood up and held his hand out for Peter. When he grabbed hold of it, Deadpool helped him up and pulled him close to his chest. Never letting go of Peter's hand. He could see it in the spider's eyes. The feeling of pure infatuation with him. That's what it was. He must've been sad that Deadpool wouldn't be with him.

(Yeah, no shit Sherlock)

[Just shut up so I can see them kiss]

     With no other words, Wade lifted Peter's chin with two fingers and started leaning in. Peter paused for a second before he figured out what was going on. He closed his eyes and Wade placed his lips on his spidey's pink ones. 

     Peter pulled away to breathe for air, and his face immediately turned a dark crimson as reality hit him like a brick. As if on cue, he planted his face in Wade's chest and all he could do was laugh about it. 

"I love you, Pete." 

"I love you, too, Wade."


Word Count; 764


i'm honestly really sorry that i haven't posted in such a long time. and honestly i contemplated on whether or not i should post this, becasue i thought that the beginning was shit, but i feel like i cleaned it up and gave it a good ending. also i think this was the longest chapter i've written in this, so that's good.

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