Starkbucks | Pokémon AU

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*Before it begins, I'll give a short arsonal list*

Steve; From Kalos:

1.) Braviary (Main Pokemon)

2.) Stoutland (Mainly because Stoutland is sometimes used as a police dog)

3.) Lucario


Bucky; From Kalos:

1.) Mismagius (Main Pokemon)

2.) Zweilous

3.) Pawniard

4.) Zoroark


Tony; From Alola:

1.) Metagross (Main Pokemon)

2.) Ninetales

3.) Rotom

4.) Scizor


     Steve ran through the forest, in hopes that he could get to Santalune City in time to see if the Gym Leader there was still accepting battles for today. Steve looked behind him to see Bucky trailing slowly behind him. He slowed down for a moment so Bucky could catch up before Steve yelled to him.

"C'mon, Buck, were almost there. Santalune isn't much farther from here!" It was easy to see that it was harder for Bucky to keep up with Stever. The guy wasn't even that much bigger than Bucky. But he was still able to run faster and farther than him. 

     Truthfully, Santalune City really wasn't that much farther away than where they were. It was only about a fifteen minute run from Vaniville Town. But if you were to walk, it would be more of a forty-five-minute walk. Besides that, this was always Steve's dream. To one day become a Pokémon Master. 

"Hey... Steve- just- wait up- for me..." By now, Bucky was trailing very far behind by now. A little too far for Steve's liking. Shaking his head as he smirked, he slowed down until Bucky caught up to him. By the time he made it, Bucky was panting as sweat trickled down his face in buckets. This was not him to run for this long. 

    Steve just laughed as he shook his head. As he did, out of the corner of his eye, he could see a kid -he had to be about 16-ish, like Bucky and Steve- sitting on top of a Metagross! How he managed to catch a Beldum itself was amazing! Now his clothing was... strange, to say the least. He had a bright red shirt with orange and red lines throughout, and a blue triangle thing in the middle of it. He even wore pants that were a hue between grey and brown. 

     Steve took his first step and found himself walking over to the new kid. When he heard the constant noise of the grass under his feet, he knew that this was a mistake. He felt that he was way too loud for the new guy. That's when he saw it. He saw the guy get off from his pokemon and stretch. 

     Steve stopped for a short moment before he continued. When he finally made it over to this new person, Steve held out his hand and smiled. 

"Hi there, I'm Steve. How are you?" To the new guy, his smile looked a bit too real. It was kinda creepy to him. 

"Uh, I'm Tony and I'm fine... I guess?" Tony took Steve's into his iron grip and shook it. Tony just smiled at Steve and turned around and started to walk away. Steve noticed this and took some initiative. He ran up to Tony and grabbed his arm.

"Well, before you leave are you doing anything in particular?" 

"Erh, no. Not really." Tony just shrugged his shoulders and started to turn around, again.

"Well then, if you have nothing on, do you want to join us?" Tony quickly turned around and looked at Steve, then Bucky, and back to Steve before thinking about the offer...

"Eh, why the hell not." Steve put his fist up in the air and pulled it down, chanting out a loud yes. This was definitely going to be something else for the three of them.


Word Count; 588


If you want a part two this, I am all up for making one. I really enjoyed making this even though Pokemon is past it's prime. Also, this is my first and only three people ship thing.

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