Stucky | Arm-Clock Soulmate AU

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     Bucky was just like any other normal person. He was normal. Well, as 'normal' as you can get with a metal arm. He lost his left arm in a car crash and he was rushed to the hospital as fast as the ambulance could take him. The doctors that were there tried to save his arm, but there was too much damage that had been done to his arm, so they had to get rid of it. So for the next four years after, he had no left arm. 

     But that was when he was 25, he's almost 30 now. Bucky shouldn't be focusing on it, because it's in the past now, but it's all he can think about. He's not normal. He's nothing special. He's just like any other amputee, 'weird'. He just wishes that people would get to know him instead of just looking at him like some monster. 

     Sadly, that's not how some people in the world. Now all of that didn't matter, he just wanted to find some food, but he couldn't even do that without noticing all of the stares. All of that didn't matter to him at the moment, though. He was just focused on getting some more food so he could stuff his face with it. 

     And the clock on his arm didn't help his case, knowing that even though he would get a soulmate, they would leave him once they saw his arm. It wasn't that much longer before he gets to run into his soulmate in less than just three hours! Bucky quickly ran through the store and grabbed the last items that he needed and checked out as fast as he could, and finally hurried out of the building with multiple bags of groceries in his hands.


     When Bucky made it back to his apartment building, he let out a sigh and, at first, didn't believe that he managed to avoid his soulmate. But when he looked down at the clock, his eyes turned as big as saucers. The clock had sped up the time so that when he was rushing back, the time was ticking down as fast as he was speed-walking. 

00 : 00 : 05

"How the hell is everything gonna happen in five -fucking- seconds?!" Bucky threw his hands up in the air, and he felt his carton of milk hit something -or someone-. He dropped the bag of milk, which broke as it hit the floor, leaking everywhere, but Bucky honestly didn't care. He kneeled down beside the person and started hysterically apologizing. 

"Oh my god! I'm so, so sorry! Are you okay?" The new guy just waved Bucky off as he stood up, holding his head. That would probably cause some bruising later. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. No need to worry." The man said with a small laugh. Bucky just huffed and let his shoulders relax.

"Thank God, but how does that not hurt?" Bucky asked with pure amazement. Something like that- something like that doesn't hurt?

"Er, let's just say that I've been through a lot of things that would make me immune to pain from a flying gallon of milk." He let out a small chuckle and Bucky could feel his face going red. 

     As the two kept staring at each other, the blonde man pushed his hand forward and introduced himself.

"Well, my name is Steve. Steve Rogers."Bucky took Steve's hand in his and shook it aggressively. 

"The names Bucky. Bucky Barnes." He took his hand away from Steve's and let a smile appear on his face.

"It was nice meeting you, Bucky. Even if I had to get hit by a gallon of milk." Steve let out a small chuckle, and that was when they noticed it. 

     A bright flash came from their arm's and they looked at where the clock should have been on the other's arm, but it wasn't there. This meant that Steve was Bucky's soulmate and vice-versa. The only thing Bucky and Steve could do was look at each other as they took it all in. 

"Your my--" Bucky had started, but he was cut off by Steve. 

"Soulmate. Yeah, I know." Steve said with a beaming smile on his face. 

Yep, this guy was definitely Bucky's soulmate.


Word Count: 711


so, to clear things up 

1.) bucky and steve are normal people in this. no avengers, just normal people in ny

2.) with buckys arm, he was 25 when he was in the crash, so he had to live with his arm for four years, so that makes him about 29 in this and steve had just turned 30.

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