-War Games Get Real

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Chapter V- Frank

FRANK WAS HAPPY FOR PERCY, HE REALLY was, but he was still confused about Hazel. When the demigods from Camp Half-Blood had landed, she looked like she had seen a ghost. He could tell she hadn't been paying attention in the meeting, and he watched her as she walked absentmindedly to her cabin.

Something was very, very wrong. It was that Leo kid, son of Vulcan. Hazel couldn't stop staring at him, as if he was some sort of spectre, risen from the dead.

He was jerked out of his train of thought by the loud moaning of the horn, signalling that War Games would start soon, and he trudged along, looking at his shoes. It was so unfair! Just when he and Hazel had finally got together, this Leo kid comes along and ruins it! He scowled as he walked out onto the field.

Reyna stood in her chariot and looked at the assembled crowd, Greeks and Romans combined.

"We will play Greeks versus Romans!" she called, and the crowd cheered. Frank wasn't so happy though. They had Percy. "Half an hour of preparation!" she finished, and the groups split. Frank saw Percy give him a wave, and waved back, following Jason to the fort.

Jason looked at them. "So we're defending. I want 5th out on the battlefield, with 4th, and 1,2, and 3 can play defence in the fort." he paused. "Nothing dirty. I don't want any cheating or maiming." a few legionnaires looked in disgust at Octavian. Jason grinned. "But let's beat those Greeks to pulp."

Frank took up his position. He was near he back of the field, with his bow. He could see Jason patrolling the top wall. Frank followed his gaze and noticed he was watching Percy, who was talking animatedly with his group of campers. He saw Leo and the other girl, Piper, laugh. Frank began to get a bit nervous. Percy was a brilliant fighter, and he was attacking with all of the best of Camp Half Blood. Frank shook his head nervously. Camp Jupiter was bigger, and stricter. They would win for sure, right?



PERCY FELT UNSTOPPABLE NEXT TO HIS FRIENDS, for the first time in 8 months. He drew Riptide and gave Annabeths hand a reassuring squeeze, kissing her on the forehead. She blushed and they split into their positions. The gong sounded.

For an instant, nothing happened, but then the battlefield erupted into utter chaos. Arrows whizzed over Percy's head as he ran. He was an army of his own, using a mixture of both Roman and Greek attacks, to wade through the front lines. He didn't need the Curse of Achilles, he was unrivalled. He reached the back of the line where Frank stood and shook his head.

"Sorry buddy." he grinned sheepishly and exploded the water cannons, sending himself over the wall with a spout of water.

He went on autopilot. Hack, slash stab, block, roll. He was surrounded. The defenders put their combined strength into stopping him. There were just too many, but as Percy was about to be overwhelmed, Talia stepped in, shooting a flurry of arrows at his attackers. He grinned at her.

"Thanks Pinecone Face!" he called.

"No problem, Seaweed Brain." she smirked as he went for the flag.

His hand wrapped around the golden pole and he tugged it out of the ground, using it to pole vault back into the field. His friends cheered and ran with him as he went for the boundary line.

That's when it all went pear shaped.

A huge bolt of lightning came out of the air. Percy couldn't dodge it, so he held the flag up, and stabbed it in the ground, leaping back, but still being electrocuted. The flag absorbed most of the electricity and the cloth set on fire, but Jason ignored it, drawing his sword and stalking over to Percy, who was holding riptide.

A hush came over the battlefield, flag forgotten as Jason advanced.



JASON SMIRKED AS HE ADVANCED ON PERCY Jackson. He would show the camp who the hero was. He raised his sword, stabbing at Percy, who blocked the blow with ease. Jason scowled and attacked more ferociously, but still Percy blocked like he wasn't even trying. Then Percy went on the offensive. He looked at Jason, looking confused. Jason met his gaze with a glare, and he watched Percys expression darken. Jason could barely defend himself as Percy wheeled around him like a demon, slashing and stabbing.

Jason could feel his energy draining and he flew into the air, the wind and rain swirling around him. He chuckled. "Fight me up here son of Poseidon!" he called, and Percy shrugged, stepping back into the river. Jason gasped as a hurricane enveloped him, water and air swirling around the figure of the new praetor. Percy swung Riptide and Jason met the blade with his. There was a crackle of ozone. Percy attacked again, and this time Jason wasn't fast enough. Percy knocked him out of the air, but caught him with a cushion of water and layer him on the ground. Jason coughed water. He had been beaten! By a Greek. No less!

"Just kill me now." he hissed and watched in dread as Percy moved with his sword. To Jason's surprise, the sword shrunk back into a pen, and Percy grinned at him, offering a hand to help Jason up.

"Good fight." grinned Percy, but Jason batted his hand away, watching in disgust as Percy picked up the flag and Stabbed it in the ground, on the Greek side of the river. There was a cheer from the Greeks as they lifte shim onto their shoulders, but as they carried him away, Jason could have sworn that Percy had shot a sad look in his direction.

Jason's scowl deepened.

"Show off."

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