Found and Saved: Sanji X Puppy Reader

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Requested by: iamkhrfan123

Sanji was walking around an island that the crew had docked at, looking for some food supplies. When he came across a puppy that was just laying there on the ground and looked hurt. He went towards the puppy, only for it to look up at him with fearful eyes and tried to crawl away. Sanji stopped walking and bent down while sticking his handing out towards the puppy.

"It's ok I won't hurt you." Sanji said softly. The puppy stopped moving and looked at Sanji hesitantly. The puppy hesitantly went towards Sanji and he gave a small smile. When the puppy got close enough, it sniffed his hand and then slowly licked it and rubbed its head against his hand. He slowly and gently picked the puppy up.

"Lets bring you back to the ship and have Chopper check you out." Sanji whispered walking towards the docks. On the way back to the ship Sanji grabbed some supplies. When he got to the ship he heard a lot of noise around him and when he looked around he saw his captain running towards the ship with the marines behind him, chasing him. Sanji sighed and ran onto the ship and saw the rest of the crew on there relaxing.

"Set sail! Luffy got in trouble again! And brought it to us! The marines are headed straight for us!" Sanji yelled and everyone sighed with Nami, Chopper, and Usopp screaming as everyone ran around the ship preparing to set sail. Sanji went to the kitchen and set the puppy down gently before running back out to help the crew with their idiot captain. When they got out to sea and lost the marines and scolding their captain, Sanji explained about the puppy he found and went and got it. When Sanji brought the puppy out to the rest of the crew it tried to jump out of Sanji's arms and run away. When that didn't work it tried to hide deeper in Sanji's arms. But eventually it just adverted its gaze from the crew. The whole crew squealed and  awwed at how cute it is, as it seemed to huddle down closer into Sanji's chest.

"By the way its acting, it seems shy." Robin stated. The puppy gave a small, tiny, quiet, shy bark and Chopper turned to his friends.

"It says "H-Hi... yes your right I am shy"" Chopper said and the puppy's eyes widen as it looks down at Chopper and barks a couple more times.

'You can hear me?! You can understand me?!' Chopper nodded his head.

"Yea I can!" Chopper said cheerfully. The puppy's eyes sparkled.

'That's so cool! What's everyone's name?'

"Well my names Chopper, that's Luffy, Nami, Robin, Zoro, Usopp, Franky, Brook, and the one who sound you and is holding you is Sanji." Chopper said pointing at each person as he talked. "Whats your name?" Chopper asked. The puppy looked down sadly and adverted its gaze again as it looked anywhere except the crew.

'Well... um... I don't have a name.' Chopper had wide eyes as he looked at the puppy shocked.

"You don't have a name?!" Chopper shouted surprised and the puppy coward more into Sanji's chest. Sanji looked at the rest of the crew and kept a tight hold on the puppy.

"I think we should keep it and give it a name. What do you say/think captain?" Sanji asked as everyone looked at Luffy and he gave a giant wide grin as he enthusiastically nodded his head.

"Yosh! Lets keep the puppy! I wanna name it meat!" Luffy yelled and Nami hit him on the head as she turned to Sanji.

"I think Sanji should name it. After all he is the one who found it and probably saved its life." Nami said and Sanji nodded with a smile, while he pouted. Mumbling about how he wanted to/its name to be meat.

"Yea ok, how about...... (Y/N)?" Sanji asks and the puppy barks and wags its tail as everyone looks from the puppy to Chopper.

"It likes it." Chopper said and everyone nodded with a smile.

"That's good, well then, welcome to the crew (Y/N)!" Luffy said with a bright smile as everyone cheered and (Y/N) barked. But before anything else could happen Sanji spoke up.

"Hey Chopper could you take a look at (Y/N), give her a check up?" Sanji asked and Chopper nodded and picked (Y/N) up and brought them into his little infirmary. Once Chopper really looked at (Y/N), he could tell that it was very skinny and noticed that it was malnourished. Then while continuing with the check up, he noticed some sores, scabs, scars, bruises, and a lot of other wounds.

"What happened to you?" Chopper asked surprised at what hes finding. (Y/N) looked away and kinda coward back and Chopper noticed this and gave the puppy a concerned/worried look.

"Are you ok? What happened? Don't worry you can tell me. Everything's fine now. I-we won't hurt you. I promise." Chopper said softly and (Y/N) could hear the sincereness in his voice so shakily told him.

'M-my old owner... a-abused me.' Chopper gasped and looked at (Y/N) shocked before starting to cry and hugged (Y/N).

"It's ok! We won't do that to you! Your safe now! We will protect you! Your our nakama now!" Chopper said while crying and (Y/N) started to cry a little as well.

'Thank you Chopper." (Y/N) barked out and Chopper nodded before (Y/N)'s stomach growled. Chopper pulled away and walked towards the door.

"I will be right back. I'll get Sanji to cook you something. You'll love it, trust me Sanji's cooking is the best." Chopper said and then went out to the crew, telling them what he had found out and what (Y/N) had told him. He then asked Sanji to cook something for (Y/N) but noticed Sanji was already heading to the infirmary with a plate of food. When (Y/N) smelt the food and saw Sanji, they barked and wagged their tail.

"Here you go. Eat up there's plenty!" Sanji said cheerfully as he placed the food down and (Y/N) barked before digging in.

'Thank you Sanji, for everything.'

Afterwards you followed Sanji around everywhere and even sometimes, tried to, helped  the crew with fighting. But you always stayed by Sanji's side. Your savior/hero.

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