Family Problems

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My parents have been divorced since I was six years old. It's been tough for me, going back and forth between houses.

Sometimes I get stuck in the middle of their arguments. But I can't choose sides. I can never please both of them. One of them is always unhappy.

My parents are going back to court to fight over custody issues. My dad is trying to get me more time with him like I want. But no matter what I want my mom is fighting against it. We are trying to get the time split 50/50 instead of 25/75. I would like it better.

The fighting between my mom and stepmother has gotten so bad that last year when we went out for my birthday dinner my mom wouldn't let my stepmother come like she used to. Because of that my dad refused to attend my birthday dinner and it ruined my birthday. My mother needs to learn that her children should come before her stubborness.

I had the worst birthday in history this year. I found out my parents were going back to court and I had to speak to the judge. My mom cancelled my birthday party because we were fighting. I had no birthday dinner like we always do with the whole family. My sister was extremely mean to me the whole week. My dad tried to reschedule a small party for me but he couldn't throw me a party with my friends because my mom refused to let him take me and my sister for the weekend. It really sucked.

My family issues get in the way with a lot of things. I almost never have my mom and dad at the same event unless I beg them to both be there. At the open house for school this year my mom wouldn't speak to my dad when he tried to be nice to her.

Whenever I mention my dad in a conversation my mom gets pissed off and refuses to talk to me. It's like she doesn't want me to love my father, and she doesn't want him in my life. My dad is completely different. He will let me go on and on about things I did with my mom.

I just hate it that they can't get along. My sister wasn't even 2 years old when they divorced so she has no memory of our family. Whenever I am upset about it she tells me to get over it because she doesn't know how it feels. I feel bad for her. My parents need to learn to get along. They are oblivious to how much it impacts our lives.

My little sister gets these terrible panic attacks. They went away for a while but they came back as soon as mom and dad's fighting got worse. I really wish that they could just get along. Or at least stand being in the same room together.

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