Mixed Signals (Teen Wolf) Chapter 1

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I looked around the preserve and took a deep breath.   I grabbed my bag and started walking deeper into the woods. The police were out here tonight. I heard my dad on the phone. They were looking for a dead body or should i say half of a body. I know what you're thinking. If there's some crazy murderer slicing people in half, what am I doing out here? My dad's a police officer. I grew up around them. And by them I mean murders not murderers.

I head voices and footsteps coming from behind me so I hid beind a tree. They were getting closer. Oh no. I thought. I know that voice from anywhere. Stiles and the other one must be Scott. I used to hang with them when we were kids but once I hit puberty things were different. Or should i say weird.  A bug flew in my face and I swatted it away but dropped my bag.  Stupid bugs. I reached for my before the boys got closer but was too late.

"This yours?" Stiles said picking it up. Even though i could really see his face i knew he was smirking. 

"Yes, it is." I said snatching it from him. 

"Are you out here for the same reason I am?' he asked raising his eyebrow.

"And that reason is?" I asked.

"To look for the body." He said in a whisper. Yes, Stiles was a nosy teenager like me too. His dad is the Sherriff. Our dad's are pretty close.

I nodded. " I know where it is." I lied. I need to get them out of here. This is my investigation. 

"You do? How?" Scott said finally speaking.

"I have my ways." I said putting my hands on my hips. 

"Show the way, Pickle." Stiles said. I wanted to punch him in the face. How dare he call me that. I hated when people called me that. 

I rolled my eyes and started walking. I after and a while of walking and Stiles and Scott bickering I saw flashlights heading toward us. Shoot!

"Crap.' Stiles mumbled. "Get down." he whispered yelled. 

I rolled my eyes and got down on the ground next to him. Then Stiles jumped up and started running east. Where was he going. Scott and I both got up and started running after him.

"Stiles!" Scott yelled then covered his mouth. Stiles continued to run and I was almost caught up with him. Scott was running behind out of breath. I forgot he had asthma. 

"Stiles!" I whisper yelled, but he still didn't stop. 

"Stiles! Penelope!" Someone yelled from behind us but it wasn't Scott. It was an officer. Both me and Stiles turned around. He flashed his flashlight at and the dog he had barked at Stiles and he fell to the floor. Dumbass. I thought.

His dad walked up to us. "Leave them to me." he said to the officer. The officer nodded and walked away. 

"Hey dad. How you  doing?" Stiles said. 

"So you listening to all of my phone calls?" he said. 

"No, not the boring ones." he said. 

His dad shook his head. "What about you Penny? How'd you know we'd be out here?" he said.

"Um," I looked at Stiles. 'My dad not very quiet when he's one the phone..." I said 

He chuckled. "Where's your usual partener in crime?" he asked Stiles. That was a good question. He wasn't that far behind us.

"Scott ? He's at home. Yeah, he wanted to get a good nights sleep for first day back at school tomorrow. So I called Pickle here and we decided to go together..." he said looking at me smiling pleading me to go along with it.

"Yep. Just me and Stiles. Stiles and Pickle." I said awkwardly. I'm not good at lying to adults.

"Scott?! You out there?!" the sherriff yelled. "Scott!" 

It started raining.

"Well," he sighed. "I'll walk you guys back to the car." he said.

"We came separately." I said. " My cars on the other side." I said.

 "Stay here till' I get back. I'll walk you." he said putting his arm around Stiles.

They started walking away.

"Scott?" i whisper yelled. 

He came from behind a tree. I sighed in relief. "Come on. I'll take you home." I said.

"What about Stiles' dad?" he said. 

I shrugged. "I'll come up with something." I said winking. 

We started walking toward where I parked but here something approching up. A herd of deer came running towards us. We both fell to the floor. They were running over us. One stepped on my leg and I screamed. Once they were all gone Scott helped me up. 

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I looked down at my leg. It was bleeding but only a little. "I can walk so it must be just a cut." I said. It was raining hard now.

He nodded breathing really hard. "Wheres your inhaler?" i asked.

"It fell when I fell.' he said. 

We both took out our phones and started looking for it.  

We both started walking opposite ways. i kicked around the leaves looking but didn't see it. I found my bag and picked it up. It was really dirty. I shook my head. I heard Scott gasp and I looked over at him, but didn't see him.

"Scott?!" I yelled and walked over to where he had been standing. I looked down and saw what he had gasped about. There it was the half of the body. 

I heard him grunting so i looked down the hill next to the body, "Scott?!" i yelled again. I heard him screaming so i ran down the hill but fell in the process. "Scott?!" I yelled again. I saw him running towards me. 

"We need to go. Now!" he said taking my hand and running. We both ran up to the road by my car. i took my keys out of my baga nd unlocked the doors. Scott got inside and so did I. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

He frowned and lifted up his shirt. There was a bite mark.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed. "What bit you?" i asked. 

"A wolf, I guess." he said. 

"Wolf? There are no wolves in California, Scott. Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I couldn't really see it but i pretty sure it was a wolf." he said. 

We heard a howling outside. "Let's get out of here. I'll take you to the hospital." I said starting the car. 

"No just take me home. I can clean it. I don't want to worry my mom." he said.

I sighed. "Okay.." I said and i started driving. 

I pulled up in front of his house. "Well, goodnnight, I guess." he said.

I chuckled. "You say that a lot." I said.

He shrugged. "I guess." he smiled. 

"Goodnight, Scott.' 

He got out the car and walked up to his house. Once he was inside started driving to my house. 

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