Mixed Signals (Teen Wolf) Chapter 13

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I heard voices whisper yelling and I opened my eyes. I saw three men standing around, actually 2 boys and one man. Stiles, Scott and Derek were standing around me in my room. 

“H-how did I get here?” I asked confused. Last thing I remembered was being at Derek’s house.

“You passed out at my house.” Derek said. “And then we took you here. Your grandmother’s making you some tea.”

I nodded my head looking around my room. It was a mess. There were food wrappers and clothes everywhere. I blushed when I realized that a sketch I made of Derek was out on my desk.

“I need to go.” Scott said. “Hope you feel better.” He kissed my forehead.

“Yeah, me too. I’ve got to help my dad with some...err...stuff.” Stiles said. Scott and Stiles walked out of my room in a hurry. What was up with them?

“I guess it’s just me and you.” Derek said walked around my room looking at everything. My heart started to race and I know he could hear it. I watched him as he looked at the picture collage on my wall. It was pictures from elementary and middle school. Stiles was in a lot of them since he used to be over almost every day.

“You and Stiles were close.” He stated.

“Yeah...” I said hoping he would go to my desk. He walked over to my desk as if he had read my mind and looked down at my sketchbook.

He smirked. “You draw very well.” He said.

I blushed. When did I start blushing all the time? “Thanks.” I said.

I heard a light knock on the door. “Come in.” I said knowing it was Granny.

She poked her head in. “I made you some lemon tea.” She said walking in with a tray. It had a cup of tea and chocolate chips cookies. She placed it on my night table. “Feel free to have a cookie or two, Derek. Don’t be afraid to have some sweets every now and then.” She said.

I smirked a little. “Thanks, Granny.” I said sipping my tea. I wasn’t too hot.

“I think I’ll have one.” Derek said taking a cookie.

“Oh, that’s great.” Granny said. “Now I’ll leave you two to...talk.” she said winking at me.

I raised my eyebrow at her and she left leaving the door open a little.

“What a great grandmother you have.” He said eating his cookie. “These are delicious.” He smirked.

“Oh stop it.” I said sipping my tea.

He said on the edge of my bed and looked at me. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just drinking my tea.” I said smiling.

“No, I mean mentally. I know all this werewolf stuff can be frightening.” He said.

“I’m not afraid of a big bad wolf, Derek. I’m fine.” I said looking him in the eye.

He looked at me for a second then nodded. He finished then looked at the tray. “Can I have another one?”

“Sure.” I said. He smiled and grabbed another cookie devouring it. He got and started going through my stuff again.

“You’re a messy girl.” He said. “You should clean up.”

I snorted. “Get real, Derek. I don’t clean.” I said.

“Yeah, you’re room is worse than Scott’s and he’s a boy.” He said.

“Scott has a mom who cleans his room.” I said. “If she didn’t it would look like this.”

He laughed. “My room was never this messy. I was an organized boy.”

I smiled picturing Derek’s clean room. “I knew you were a strange boy.” I smirked.

“Whatever.” He said looking at the time. “I should probably go.” I looked at the clock. It was 11:30. My dad would be home soon.

“Yeah, unless you want to get shot by my dad.” I said chuckling.

He smiled. “Goodnight, Penelope.” He said hopping out my window. I looked down at my tea which I had no taste for anymore. I put it on my night table. I had back and stared up at my ceiling. I didn’t want to go to sleeping knowing I’d have a nightmare about the Alpha. I wasn’t really scared of him hurting me. I was more scared of him hurting someone I cared about. I sighed and turned my light off facing the darkness.


The next day at school Jackson came up to me. “You didn’t tell anyone about last night, did you?” he asked.

“Not the whole thing. I just told my dad a bit.” I said.

“J-just don’t tell anyone, okay?” he asked. He was acting weird.

I nodded. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“I wished people would stop asking me that!” he said punching the locker next me. I jumped backed away from him.

“It’s okay, Jackson. I know how you feel. I was there, too. Just calm down.” I said taking his hand. It was bleeding.

He flinched at my touch and pulled his hand away. “I’m sorry. I should go.” He rushed down the hall.

I watched him walk away and continued to open my locker. I heard footsteps coming towards me and saw Derek.

“Derek, last time I checked you graduated.” I said smirking at him.

“What was that all about?” he asked. I knew he was talking about Jackson.

“Nothing. He’s just shaken up about last night.” I said.

“Do you like him?” he asked. My heart started racing. Was Derek jealous? Of course he wasn’t.

“No.” I said a little too fast. I used to have the biggest crush on Jackson in middle school. I would always give him valentines but never put my name on them because I was too scared. The only ones I ever got were from Scott and Stiles my only friends.

“I knew it.” He said walking away.

I slammed my locker. “You don’t know anything, okay?” I said.

I turned back and looked at me and shook his head. What was his problem?


Stiles was nagging all day about how Lydia wasn’t at school. What was she scared about? She wasn’t almost killed by a werewolf. She barely saw it.

“Why don’t you go to her house?” I said. “If you’re so worried about her.”

“Great idea.” He said. “See ya later.” He rushed to his Jeep and got inside.

I was all alone. Scott was god knows where, doing god knows what with Allison, Stiles was off to Lydia and Derek was being an asshole. I guess this meant I had to do my homework.


I finished my homework in half an hour and I was still bored to the core. I kept hearing the Alpha’s heavy breathing in my head every time it was silent. I cranked my music up and closed my eyes. It was gone and wasn’t going to hurt me. I kept telling myself over and over. I needed to distract myself. I wonder what Derek was doing? Probably working off those cookies he ate last night. I laughed to myself and turned my music off.   

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