Mixed Signals (Teen Wolf) Chapter 19

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"See you later, Penelope." I hear Derek whisper. 


I wake up in an empty bed. The side Derek slept on is made as if he didn't sleep there and the lock on the window is fixed. Was it a dream? I sit up and touch my lips. It didn't feel like dream. Did this mean he wanted me to forget all about last night? Okay, now I’m just over thinking. He probably left before my dad got home. I look over at the clock. It’s seven fifty three and I have to be at school at 8. I must have forgotten to set my alarm last night with Derek distracting me. I jump out of the bed and rush into the bathroom. 


When I'm done getting ready I go downstairs. "Dad?! Granny?" I call out. Where is everyone? I go over to Granny's room and see her snoring in her bed. I close get door and go back to the kitchen. My dad didn't come home last night. His shoes aren't by the door and his keys aren't on the hanger. He probably is seeing someone. Not that I would care. He’s been single for way to long.

I guess I'm taking myself to school. I hate my dad taking me to school. He gets out and talk to people like a creeper. It’s weird. He loves to embarrass me in any way possible. I grab my keys and rush out the door. As I'm pulling out I see my dad’s car pulling up. I wave at him and drive off, not wanting him to take me to school again.


I get to school and see Stiles rushing down the hall. 

"Stiles." I call after him. He turns around. 

"Hey. I can't talk right now. Scott is having a break down." he said continuing his walk down the hall. 

A break down about what? Our chemistry test that he was supposed to me taking?  

I follow after him. "I'm coming with you." I say following him into the boy’s locker room. I don't even care about going in here anymore. I’ve been in here enough times. 

When we get in we can hear a shower on. We walk over to the showers and see Scott's on the floor of the shower with his head in his hands. His breathing is heavy. He has no shirt on. He looks fragile.

He looks up at us. "W-what are you doing in here?" he asks. 

"Trying to help you." I say. "What's wrong?" 

"I-I c-can't breathe." He says. He breathing as if he's having an asthma attack. 

I pick up his backpack and get his inhaler out and throw it at him. He takes a pump of it into his mouth. His breathing slows down and he's breathing normal now. 

"I was having an asthma attack?" Scott asks. 

"No, you were having a panic actually." Stiles said. 

I nodded. "Thinking you were having asthma attack stopped the panic attack. Stiles used to have them. Years ago." I say looking at Stiles. When his mom died he started having nightmares and panic attacks at school. It was so hard to see him like that. He was so scared and lost. It was a hard time for all of us. 

"It must be the full moon. It's making me go insane. And Allison breaking up with me isn't helping." Scott said. 

I raised my eyebrows. "She broke up with you?!" I say. What the hell? Scott saved her annoying ass and the rest of us. Why would she break up with him?

He nodded. "She said she can't trust me." he looks at the ground. He looks so heart broken. Why can't she trust him? 

"What the hell? You know I can talk to her if you want." I said. Maybe punch her in the face. She totally broke Scott's heart into little tiny pieces. 

"No. No! Don't say anything to her." he says with a panicked expression. "Promise me."

"Okay. Okay." I say. "I promise." 

He sighs and turns off the shower. "I want to get her back myself. Not because my best friend threatens her." 

I roll my eyes. "Like I would threaten her. I just wanted to tell her how much of a dumb b-"

Scott cuts me off. "Hey, watch it." He scowls me. 

"I'm sorry." I say. "I won't insult your perfect Allison." 

Stiles chuckled and Scott rolls his eyes. The bell rings and we all go to our next class. 


"Penelope!" Coach says to me. 

I look up from my book at him. Since I'm always at the lacrosse practices he appointed me as his assistant. He told me I'm his favorite. I think it's because him and my dad were buddies in high school. Even though when you first meet him he’s annoying as hell after a while you get used to it. "Yeah, Coach?" I say. 

"Go in my office and get my other whistle. This one's not working." he says tossing his whistle in the trash. Oh how Coach love his whistle. He will blow it at any chance he gets. I’m not sure if it’s an ego thing or if he just likes whistles.

"Okay." I say getting up. I mark my page in my book and head over to his office. I hear people talking inside. I look through the window and see Scott and Lydia inside. What are they doing together? Lydia grabs Scott by his shirt and kisses him. He starts to kiss her back. What the hell? I need to stop this. I push open the door. Scott pushes Lydia away. He looks over at me with wide eyes. 

"It's not what it looks like!" he says putting his hands up in defense. 

I roll my eyes. "It is what it looks like. You were making out with Lydia!" I say. He knows that Stiles has been crushing in her forever. But after he kissed me I'm not sure where his heart lies. 

Lydia wipes her mouth and smirks. "What's wrong with me?" she asks innocently. 

I roll my eyes. "Everything." I say. 

She smiles and walks over to me. "I wouldn't talk. Have you seen yourself, Piggy. You're a mess." she says walking out the room. There's nothing wrong my outfit. Just because I don't where the shortest skirts I can find doesn't mean I'm a "mess". 

I'm about to turn around and make a comeback when Scott interrupts me. 
"Don't tell Stiles. Please." he begs. 

"I'm not going to because you are!" I say. "What the hell is going on with you anyways?!" 

He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I don't know. It's the full moon. It's messing with head. I feel different." 

"This is why Stiles I and are chaining you up tonight. We don't know what you could do." I say. 

He looks down. "I know." 

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Come on. Practice is about to start, Co-captain." I say. Coach had just announced that Jackson and Scott were going to me co-captains now instead of just Jackson. Nobody seems to be happy about it, even Scott.

He groans. "Don't remind me. My whole team hates me now." 

"No, they don't. They're just jealous." I assure him. 

He smiles a little. "Okay. Come on."

I grab Coach's whistle and we both walk out to the field.


When I get home from school my dad's sitting at the kitchen table eating a sandwich. He looks up at me and scowls. "Don't think that this morning was funny. You know I have to take you to school." 

I roll my eyes. "I was already late. I didn't need you slowing me down too." I say. "Where were you last night? You didn't come home."

"I was working..." he says not making eye contact. 

"Come on, Dad. If you're seeing someone just tell me!" I say. 

He sighs and puts his sandwich down. "I have been seeing someone but it's nothing serious, yet." 

"Who is she? Do I know her?" I ask. 

"No." He says. "Now go do your homework." 

"I need to go to Scott's house for a project." I say. 

"I'm not falling for that." he says. 

"Dad, please. I just tonight. I need to finish this." I say. "I promise I won't ask about your lady friend anymore." Which is a lie because I'm going find out who this lady is. 

He grunts. "Okay. But you have to be home at a decent hour and wash the dishes. And my laundry." 

I sigh. "Fine." I say. "I'm leaving in a few minutes." I leave my bag by the door and go upstairs to get some handcuffs from my dad's room. I find some in his closet and put them in my pocket. I go back downstairs and grab my bag. "See you in a few hours." I say. 

He nods and continues to eat. 

I drive to the sporting goods store because Stiles says we need chains too. I get inside and look around for any chains. They have different types of chains and I don't know what to get. I pick up some random ones and go to towards the check-out line. I bump into someone on the way. It's Jackson. The last person I want to see. He turns and looks at me. He looks at the chains in my hand. 

"Into some kinky stuff, huh?" he asks smirking. 

I smile mockingly at him. "You're not funny." I say. 

"So what are those for anyways?" He asks. 

“None of your bee’s wax.” I say looking away from him.

“What are you, seven?” he says. He has an amused look on his face.

"Just leave me alone!" I say. "I’m just trying to go shopping and you're here disturbing me!" I say scowling him.

He smirks. "Sorry, Piggy. I didn't mean to disturb you." he says.

I close my eyes in frustration. "Why do you have to keep calling me that?!" I say.

He shrugs. "It's just a nickname. I don’t know why you get some offended." he says.

"That's because you don’t understand anything but womanizing and lacrosse." I retort.

"That is true. But I do know that something is going on with you and Derek." he says in a low voice. 

My eyes widen in surprise. "I don't know what you’re talking about."

"I think you do. I saw you guys together a few times. What are you doing? Helping him? Is that what the chains are for?" He asks.

"Of course not! Any thoughts you have about Derek and I, you need to forget them. I’m not working with Derek. I met him a few times and that's it." I say.

"I'm watching you." Jackson says and walks away.


Before I even get to Scott's house the moon is already out. I see Stiles running out the house when I'm pulling up. I park and get out.

"Where have you been?" He asks.

"I was held up. What happened?" I say.

"I had cuffed Scott up but he got out. Now he's wandering around, ready to kill!" he says.

"He couldn't have gotten that far." I say. "Let's go look for him. We'll take your Jeep." I say.

He nods and we both rush over to his Jeep. We get in and take off down the road.


I know this was a boring filler chapter but I promise next chapter will be more action packed (w/ Derek) Thanks for reading! Vote and Comment, please :)

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