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     Athena woke up to the sounds of mining. She sat up, her head dizzy. Her eyes searched for her partner when she caught a glimpse of his familiar chicken overwear. "Sabre... what are you-" she tried to stand up, but fell back down with a thump. She climbed back up her feet while grasping the wall for support. She felt weak, like her energy was mostly drained. Sabre ran back, kneeling down at her, "You okay?" He comforted. "Yeah... why do I feel so... weird? Did something happen last night?" Her gaze turned to Sabre's right shoulder, where she had bandaged the wound from the attack of a skeleton. "You were mining with your wounded arm... you shouldn't!" she hurried to take the pickaxe out of his hand when she fell down again. "I'm fine, really. Now we just have to gather more resources and get back there fast." He gave her stacks and stacks of cobblestone. "Where to go then?" Athena stood up, starting to get the hang of it, her limbs were like asleep for days. Sabre looked behind her. She followed his gaze to somewhere between two mountains. "How did you know?" She asked.
     "It's a long story," Sabre replied, "we have to get moving!" She watched him walking out from the cave. It was sunrise, as the sky was part starry, part bright. Athena went out of the stony cave system, all geared up with resources and building blocks. There were mules grazing about in the distance far-off, she wasn't sure if they could really get to the Rainbow Town in time. "But If Sabre said that's the way, then I'm going," she told herself, thinking about what the miraculous town looked like, as she knew, Sabre had described the wondrous Rainbow House beside the great bunker, from the magical Rainbow Tree of Life to the grand Rainbow Wall. Athena had the whole picture in mind filled by her curiosity, eager to see what it was all about, and her mind was full with thrills on helping on remedying one's problem in their mythical adventures. She wanted to ask everything inside her head, because she knew those would have to wait some time for answers.
     They went into the mushroom biome, where she saw mooshrooms hanging about on the podzol for ground, there were huge overgrown mushrooms everywhere. "Surprised?" Athena heard Sabre asking beside her.
     "Nah... I just don't see them often, so why not take a look while we had this chance?" She gazed at a particular mooshroom, its big round eyes sparkled from adorableness. "Everything okay?" She looked up at Sabre from his call, standing to wait for her ten feet away. "Yeah, coming,"
     Athena soon found them walking on the soft grass, their crisp green shone bright turquoise from the morning light, they had passed the exotic biome. Seeing the rising sun between the two mountain peaks, she found her heart burn with passion and hope, from everything new she had encountered with her new friend during the journey to save the rest of his team, the battles she had faced alone and together, the trust she could feel from somebody else again, she smiled brightly at every step. She saw Sabre staring at their destination with a warm expression on his face, she guessed they both share the same thoughts and feelings on going back to rescue and end this chaotic friendship destruction of Rainbow Steve once and for all. Athena hopped from one rock to another as they were starting to ascend the mountaintop, grass and ferns began to disappear on the way, and the birch trees below began to change into acacia trees as they went by. The clouds became lighter and brighter from the cyan blue sky, gradually getting paler as it started to return to its pale-blue state like once before. Soon enough, they floated around in their white fluffy appearances, riding the wind towards anywhere it takes.

     Athena was holding her bow, aiming a flame arrow in front of her. She reassured her aim again, then released the string as her arrow shot off like a bullet. After she sensed she shot something, she hurried across the plateau to take a look at her caught prey. "A chicken!" She exclaimed, picking up the wounded chicken and held it tight in her arms. She was puzzled that why this chicken escaped death from her deadly arrows, as she was about to go to the camp and finish it off while cooking when suddenly Athena heard a halt behind her. "Fake Sabre!"
     "Sabre!" Surprised, and confused, she padded over to rejoin him. "You know this chicken?" She questioned. She saw Sabre looking at her with narrowed eyes, "Yes, he's a friend of ours, you shouldn't go hunting on your own, we can manage with apples." He took the animal out from Athena's grasp as he stepped back to their temporary camp. She watched his figure disappear slowly behind the tall grass. She could tell he was upset that she was planning to hunt his friend. After a brief moment of awkward silence, she decided to go to the moorland on the opposite of the rocky surface on the mountain. "For finding fruits," Athena told herself. Yet she knew that was just a false excuse to get away from him, who wasn't in a mood to talk to.
     Athena walked up to a nearby azure bluet and sat down on the grass beside it. She stared at the wavering petals and leaves. "I'm sorry," she silently prayed. The sky was bright still, and the wind went through the ground among the reeds, sending them back and forth and back again. She felt her breath slowed from relief. She was admiring the view of nature when she heard some footsteps behind her. Athena couldn't think what to say and how to act. "Sabre look, I did not intend to harm your frien-" she trailed off after turning to the figure. Immediately, she stood up and walked to it until they were face to face. "Prism Steve..." she froze at the familiar face of her worshipped friend. The pale white Steve with pastel patches stared at her with his light blue eyes. She could see his relief to see his old friend again. As far as she knew, Prism Steve had been her best friend after the tragic death of her brother. He cheered her up as they guarded the sources of Rainbow Power together. And after Athena had left her homeland for the journey, she left Prism Steve back at the Rainbow Tree of Hope and Faith. Seeing him smiling at her after a long time, she pelted and gave him a welcoming hug.

Steve Saga - Dawn of the Steves [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now