ch. 3

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          Justin pushed out the chair for her. Shandell took time to admire the large restaurant. Even the interior décor screamed riches, something she wasn't exactly used to. The captains voice caught everyone's attention. "The cruise has begun. Have a nice and memorable experience on Amore."

Justin smiled at Shandell. He saw the excitement in her eyes. He could only imagine her reaction when he told her of his plans for the honeymoon. "I've been wanting to get on this ship for God knows how long, but I just didn't have the money." She admitted. As an event planner at an upcoming company, she only earned enough to cater for herself. Something like what they were in was way out of her league.

Justin on the other hand was another story. At a very young age of twenty-eight, he was one of the most influential men in business. Although the success story started from his power-house of a father, he could still proudly say he kept elevating the business once he took over three years ago. "Well we've become one now. Everything I have is now yours as well!" He looked her deep in the eyes as he said, wanting her to know how much he meant every word he said.

She smiled warmly at him. Although no words were said, the silence was enough. They both wanted each other. Their moment was short lived when a waiter came in with their menus. They placed their orders and made small chit-chat as they waited for their food.

After lunch they made it to an orchestral show in an auditorium. Inside was filled with men in expensive, well-tailored suits and the women in even more expensive designer clothes and jewelry. Way out of her personal league. A man approached them. "Ah! Justin, good to see you." Wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes when he smiled. He was definitely older. Fifty, maybe.

Justin returned the smile and shook the man's hands. "Ronan. Good to see you too." The man's smiley face turned into a shocked one when he took notice of Shandell. "My-oh-my! The magazines don't do you justice because you're prettier in person." He praised as he pulled her in for a hug. She smiled at him when he let her go. "Oh! She's beautiful." He added. He turned and called a woman over. She seemed about three years older than Shandell, so probably around twenty-six. "Nora, meet Shandell, Justin's wife." The woman let out a dramatic gasp. "Oh! She's perfect." She squealed.

Shandell smiled at her husband, then back at the couple. She thought it better to introduce herself so that they wouldn't think she was rude. "Hi. I'm Shandell." Nora nodded. "We already know that honey. I'm sure everybody in here knows." Shandell nodded internally. Of course they knew her. She was married the Justin Grayson.

Justin took his wife's hand. "You didn't attend the wedding." It came out as a statement. Ronan had an apologetic look on his face. "Something came up on the coast. You know how the people there get." He explained. Michael nodded. That was his language. Business. Eat it, Love it, Live it. He would have done it. "Tell me how the ship...." A nudge at his side cut him short. He faced his wife. "This is our honeymoon. You promised. Remember? No business." She reminded him. He smiled and pecked her on the lips. "You're right. I'm sorry." He apologized. During their courting period, he would get so caught up, he forgot dates. Sometimes even called to cancel. The last straw was when he stood her up on her birthday. After days of begging he promised that during their honeymoon the only business he was going to attend to would be the one concerning their family and future.

Ronan and his wife smiled at the young couple. "We'll leave you both now." The two men shook hands one more time. "Enjoy your honeymoon." The older man excused himself and left with his wife. After them she was introduced to a few other influential business colleagues till they sat for the show. The lights went down, leaving about six spotlights on stage.

"This is my favorite piece." Justin whispered to Shandell after about twenty minutes into the show. Shandell forced a smile. She never really did fancy shows like this. Once, when she was a child, her mother tried to make her study the violin. It didn't work out great. She hated the instrument and despised the sound it produced.

Justin knew her well-enough to detect the fault in her smile. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "I didn't know you didn't like it." She bit her tongue. Of course he did because she told him. She shook her head. "No it's okay." She lied. "Excuse me." She stood and quietly exited the auditorium."

Shandell released a breath she had no idea she was holding when she finally made it out and asked someone for directions to the nearest washroom. Halfway there, she felt a something hit her leg. She looked down at the well-dressed child on the floor and picked her up. "Oh I'm sorry sweetie." The child giggled, exposing her few teeth. For a brief second Shandell thought the child reminded her of someone she knew.

"I'm so sorry."

Both heads snapped in the direction of the voice. A woman, about the same age of her Justin approached them. Shandell got the picture. The lady was the child's mother.

"No don't worry." Shandell handed the baby over to her.

"I've seen you somewhere before." The lady pointed up, placing the baby on her hip.

Shandell nodded. Probably from the magazines and newspapers advertising her as Justin Grayson's woman. Before she opened her mouth a male voice spoke. "You found her." A handsome man stood by the woman. His face was familiar. Of course she knew him. He was her husband's sworn enemy. He was......

"Christian McCarthy." She looked down at the hand he stretched towards her. It seemed the woman was briefing him on their encounter. She shook it. "Shandell Muller Grayson." The look he gave her was as expected, shock but he quickly replaced it.

"I knew I had seen you somewhere before." The lady said.

"Christian smiled. "You're the wife of Justin Grayson." Shandell smiled. "I know the things your husband has told you about me but I do wish we can be friends." She wasn't sure how her husband would take it but she hoped it wouldn't really matter. She was allowed to make her own friends.

She smiled and nodded at him. She returned his smile with a nod.

"Cristian McCarthy." A far too familiar voice said. Justin appeared at Shandell's side and pulled her close, with a hand wrapped around her waist.

Cristian smirked. "Justin Grayson, good to see you." There was evidence of tease in his voice.

Justin offered the same smirk, his gaze never falling on the woman with the baby. "Is it?"

Cristian shrugged. "Meet my wife. Michelle Michelson McCarthy. Justin's gaze finally fell on the woman. A second passed, and another, and another. "This can't be." He thought. "She couldn't be." Maybe he was dreaming. Yes! Definitely. So he looked at her again, and again. She was still there. The same person. The rate at which his heart beat accelerated. In a good way? In a bad way? He didn't know but he knew if he maintained the rate it may explode. Little did he know one statement from her could slow it down.

"Hey! It's a pleasure meeting you."


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Peace, I'm out

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