ch. 6

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     "Oh my god! Tell me already." Shandell pleaded as her husband led her, hands covering her eyes, to god knows where. "Patience is a virtue honey. Learn it." He responded, earning a groan from her. She didn't even know why she allowed him blind her from the start. The scent of ocean water hit her together with the cool breeze, blowing her hair and floral knee length dress in every direction. "Babe are we outside? I'm not hearing people." He laughed at her. He remained silent, still leading her. After a while he came to a stop. "Kay babe, you ready?" He asked. She eagerly nodded. "Good but first..." He guided her as she raised her legs onto a higher ground. "You're scaring me." She complained for the nth time. When Michael thought she was sturdy he slowly removed his hands from her eyes and kept them on each side of her waist. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed as she made an effort to jump from the sight before her but Justin was quick to hold her in place. He couldn't help but laugh at her.

"No let me go. Why would you even bring me here?" she asked.

"Remember when you forced me to watch 'TITANIC' how you said you would love to replay the moment they had on the deck of the ship?" He asked. She raised her brow at him to continue. "I decided to make your wish come true." Shandell's grip on him tightened as she looked down at the ocean. "That is something we black people do. We say we wish we could do something but that's it. We prefer to leave them as wished and not realities." She explained. Justin laughed. "Well too bad. We're doing it." She took in a deep breath. She still thought it was a bad idea but still went along with it. "Good. Relax." He advised as he spread her arms. "Deep breaths."

"I'm scared." She admitted. "What if I fall."

"I would never let you fall." He whispered in her ear making her relax a bit. "Good. You're getting it. Now..." He slowly started to let her go. "No, no, no." She cried out. "I'm here don't worry. I won't let you fall." He promised her. She nodded and let herself lose in the wind. She closed her eyes as she inhaled the fresh ocean breeze, allowing herself to be free. The smile which broke on her face turned into laughter. Her fear had vanished a bit. Unfortunately, in an attempt to move her foot to a more comfortable position, she slipped. She closed her eyes tighter, waiting for her to fall into the large mass of water but it never came. Instead she felt strong arms around her. Slowly, she managed to open her eyes and was welcome by beautiful blue eyes.

"Told you I wasn't going to let you fall." Justin said with a wide grin. Shandell couldn't retain a smile of her own. She leaned in for a kiss but a voice from behind interrupted them. "Oh! I'm sorry. Am I interrupting anything?" Justin helped Shandell to her feet. "No, it's fine."

"Shandy?" Sheila seemed surprised as well as happy to see her. Shandell on the other hand wasn't as excited. "Yes Sheila." Sheila hugged her friend. "Two times in two days? God's plan right?"

Shandell looked away and forced a smile. "Yes indeed."

"O me!" She yelped. "Wait don't tell me. This is your husband." She stated. Shandell smiled. She was hoping she didn't have to this. "Justin, Sheila. Sheila, Justin." She introduced them. Justin smiled and stretched out his hand for the dyed red head to shake. She returned his smile and shook his hand. "It's an honor to finally meet you." She admitted.

"So how do you two know each other." Justin asked.

"We slept together in college." She blurted out.

Shandell's eyes, for the second time that day, her eyes almost jumped from their sockets. She couldn't help the murderous look on her face and believe she wanted to smack that innocent look off Sheila's face.

"Excuse me?" Justin was sure he hadn't heard right. Shandell nervously licked her lips. This was exactly why she didn't want Sheila around. "Shandell, what does she mean by you slept together?" Shandell took in a deep breath, ready to clarify everything but Sheila beat her to it. "We slept together. As in we were roommates. What did you think I was talking about?" She asked him with a raised brow. The couple let out a sigh for two very different reasons. Justin laughed uncomfortably. He felt like an idiot for thinking too hard about what she said. "I'm sorry." He apologized. In addition, his face became a little red. "Ha-ha." Shandell let out a nervous laugh. "That's Sheila. She was always one for silly jokes, but honestly babe, what did you think she was talking about?" She asked her husband. Justin slid his arm around her and brought her closer to him. As she looked up at him for an answer he turned redder.

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