Ch. 23

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Shandell sighed tiredly. Her head was only resting on her neck without truly functioning. Her heart hurt. Deep down she knew what Cristian said was true, in fact, Sheila confirmed it. She had to call Sheila to properly have the conversation. Yes! That was the wise thing to do.

"Shandell," she heard Cristian call out before she had the chance to take her phone out.

She tried warding him off, but he decided to follow her to her suite. If had any more heart breaking new to tell she, she didn't want to hear it. At the moment she wanted to be on her own, to figure out what was best for her.

"Cristian, please." She sobbed.

He sighed as he walked behind her, until she stood a few inches away from her. He felt an unwanted tag in his heart. Everyone knew he was a vicious man who put himself and empire before anyone and anything else and in no way did he have any feelings for the woman but even he could admit her situation was sad.

Through his lashes he noticed the slight rise and fall of her shoulders. She was crying. What started as gentle, slight movements became heavy and before long, he grabbed her arm and turned her into his arms.

Shandell's arms hung lifelessly beside her. She couldn't control her wails as the pain tore through her. "It's fine," he comforted, "I've got you."

His warmth provided comfort and soon, she found herself sobbing, pouring out her heart in his arms. "How could he do this to me?"

"I thought he lo..."

"What the heck's going on here?!" Justin exclaimed, tearing the two apart.

Shandell pushed Cristian away in an almost painful manner. His infidelity went out the window as she was only concerned about not looking suspicious. "So it's true huh?!" He yelled as he took heavy, long strides towards them.

"What are you..." she started, "baby it's not what you think."

He wasn't listening. Painfully, he grabbed her upper hand. "Tell me!" he spat in her face.

"Hey, men calm down." Cristian stepped in. Justin pointed at him and replied, "shut up." He faced Shandell once more and asked, "you're fucking him aren't you?!"

If not for the deadly expression he carried, she would have taken his words as a joke. Her anger resurfaced. "I should slap the shit out of you or asking me that." She snatched her arm away from him. They two fell in silence, glaring daggers at each other.

Cristian cleared his throat. As much as he would love to stay behind to listen to Cristian's sorry excuse, he a divorce to plan with his wife. "I should leave now," he said. He started on his way but as he passed by him he whispered over his shoulder, "I'm an asshole but trust me when I say this, you just lost a good woman."

Justin's glare after didn't last long, as he strolled away. He had venom, ready to be spat out but before he had the opportunity, he felt a sting on his left cheek.

His hands quivered as he itched to lay his hands on her. He would never hit a woman that way but this woman might push him to make an exception.

"I HATE YOU!!" she cried out. "I didn't do anything to you but give you love and affection." she sobbed. "From the very beginning, I put in ninety while you gave ten," she started, "and all along I thought I was only helping you know...from the "past" relationship you never talked about." She was grateful for his silence this time because she would do all the talking this time.

"Who is she to you?" she whispered. "You're sleeping with Cristian." He stated.

His mind refused to accept the fact she could possibly be in a relationship with another man. It didn't matter if he did same, she wasn't allowed to stray away from their vows. She was a woman. He emotions would always get in the way. Right?

Shandell sized him up before exclaiming, "That's not relevant! WHO IS SHE TO YOU?!"

"She's the "past" relationship!"

Silence. That was all that remained after him. She palmed her chest, trying to ease the burning sensation that only seemed to get worse. Of course! From the very beginning when they first met the other couple on the cruise, to Sheila's confessions, even how he acted when he heard news of her shooting.

She, Shandell, was the other woman in her own marriage.

"After all I've done for you," she sobbed. "Oh! Justin, you've hurt me so much." By now her tears blurred her vision but he wouldn't be faced.

"Don't act so innocent and hurt. You're cheating with Cristian. Why else do you think I did same with his wife?" he asked. She glared at him in pure confusion.

Why was he making stuff up.

"I caught the two of you together in bed." He lied senselessly.

Her intelligence was being questioned and she would not stand for it. Anger bubbled through her while she yelled, "WHEN! I have been by your side THROUGHOUT this shameful honeymoon and the only times we," she pointed between them, "were apart was when you snuck out to your lover's side. So please," she pleaded, "tell me when."

He shook his head. She was trying to shift the blame.

"You had your lover on this ship the entire time." She added. "I should have known you were too good for me. I..." she just stopped talking. There was nothing more she could say-no other words could describe what she was feeling.

"I...I need to go." She run out the room.

Justin fell back on the couch. His brain started functioning again. Why didn't he feel any type of regret? Was Michelle, right? Did he only rush into marriage because she was not around? Before he came to confront his wife, she made it very clear, convinced him her daughter was his. That's all he ever wanted-a family of his own. He lost his mother in his mid-teen years so family meant everything to him. It wouldn't be enough to have regular visits with his daughter. Aside that, Michelle said Cristian could deny it since his name was on the certificate.
He wanted a family-something Shandell was hesitant to give. He had enough money to support them so in his opinion, her excuse did not hold water. Before he could get buried any further in his thoughts, his phone,one  pinged. It was Michelle,
"Have you decided yet¿ Make up your mind because that's the only way you can see her. I already asked him for the divorce. Don't leave me hanging.

He threw the phone to the side and run his fingers hand written through his hair. He loved his wife but she was having an affair with the very ,an that stole his first love and child-an entire family from him.
He sighed and shot up from his seat. A cold  shower was going to help him calm down. He started taking off his clothes and jewellery even before he reached their bedroom  and in a haste, mistakenly dropped his wedding ring. The gold band rolled underneath the bed.
He huffed before reaching for it but as he searched, his hand came in contact with what felt like a box. He pushed it towards him and sat on the bed with it. The first thing he noticed was a picture with his wife as a teenager. An unconscious smile drew on his lips as her innocence was easily noticeable but it was soon turned upside down when he noticed the next few. Mostly of her mother with a red light on her fore head.
A letter. There was a hand written letter at the very bottom. He read it out loud:
Just a small honeymoon gift from the family. I hope you have your fun while it lasts because it won't be that long. You're mine and nothing and no one will take you from me. Tell your "husband" to watch his back. He doesn't have much time left.

Suddenly his mind went back to when she asked him about a friend being involved with some gangsters. She was referring to herself! His anger sky rocketed once more.

The only emotion he was feeling was anger. There was not time to consider. He saw what he saw. She looked so peaceful in his arms. Like she was familiar to the feeling. Yes! That was why she refused to stay away when he warned her to.
Angrily, he grabbed his phone and sent a text to Michelle:
I don't need a full day. You were always mine to begin with.

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