Ch. 16

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I am so sorry for the long break. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. PLS don't forget to vote, comment and follow me. I start my finals next week so there probably won't be an update this coming week but after that, I'll get back on my game. 


Michelle tried her possible best to make sure her smile extended through her tight lips so it won't look forced to those around. This was getting harder and harder each day; the pretense. Especially since Justin appeared, the man at her side on seemed to bring out the worst in her. It was just a few hours after her interaction with Justin. Cristian had to attend a business get together and as much as she wanted to be far away from him, part of their contract required her to "play the part", whatever that meant. They had just arrived and she was already bored.

Michelle excused herself from the group to were other females stood. Upon her arrival, the conversation between the group of three settled. It was no secrete Michelle thought of herself better than every other female in the circle and even if she didn't come out openly to say this, her very actions were loud enough. Her role as Cristian's wife prevented most from confronting her.

She offered a tight smile. "Hello, ladies." She greeted. They imitated her actions. "How's it going?" One asked. "Good...good." She replied.

"Have you finally met Justin's new wife?" Another asked, trying to make harmless conversation but only ended up irking Michelle. "And?" She asked instead, as if asking her where exactly she was headed with the conversation.

"They look good together." The third replied. Michelle rolled her eyes. "Every couple looks good together, especially when they just got married." She started, "People say that to be nice."

"You don't think so?"

She sighed and turned to face her, Mandy, who just joined the group. The two of them were a weird class of "best friends." Mandy was married to Nori DaVinci, a business mogul who run the Italian business world. They knew each other's secretes but the way they acted...

They constantly challenged each other to see who could get the nicest jewelry, latest clothes, whatever it was, one had to get it before the other.

Mandy's smirk got more devious as she noted the deep scowl on her friend's face. "I saw them earlier and I must say, the way he looks at her is as if she is the most priceless jewel in the world. Like..." she allowed room for a dramatic pause, as she looked into mid-air, pretending to look for the right word, "...fine art." She ended with the same smirk she started with. She knew everything that happened between Michelle and Justin; she was there.

The other women gave her the same questionable stare for her words of praise because if they knew both women at all, they didn't see any other woman above themselves. Michelle on the other hand had her jaw clenched and her nose flared.

"Uhm, Mandy are you okay?"

"Of course," she started her reply, her gaze never leaving, her friend, "...but Michelle never answered the question. What do you think of Justin and his new bride?" Now everyone looked onto her, waiting a reply.

After some time, she forced a smile and replied, "I think nothing of their relationship." Her answer didn't surprise any of them at all. In fact, that was the exact answer they were hoping for. Neither of them liked Shandell. For the most part, they felt like she didn't belong. "Let's face it, everyone can see she doesn't belong in this circle. The man she's with is on a totally different level than she."

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