ch. 10

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I am sooooo sorry for the long wait. I wanted to make sure I was done with Lost Heir  before continuing this book. Enjoy...

Shandell almost jumped out of the bed. She didn't know why. She just did. "Fuck!" She growled out when the intense rays of the sun almost blinded as she opened her eyes. The ground under felt soft. softer than the stool she sat on the previous night; way, way softer. She took the time to adjust to the light and when she finally opened her eyes, she was welcomed by the surroundings of the bedroom in the suite. She didn't remember putting herself in the bed. Adrenaline rushed through her as she rushed out the room in to the living room.

The scent of variety of freshly made breakfast hit her and when she looked further, she noticed her husband, busy in the corner with his back to her. Anger bubbled in her quicker than she had expected. Anger strong enough to almost make her walk up to him and slap him across the face but she knew better than that. She turned and retired back to the bedroom to freshen up.

Throughout her shower, Shandell couldn't help but wonder where he spent the night. Although, the fear of the problem being who he spent the night with rushed its way to the top of her worries. Depp down, she hoped it was not so. A husband spending the night out of his matrimonial be-as it was at the moment-did not hoist up the cheating flags. Right?

She clothed herself in shorts and an orange tank top underneath her swim wear, put her hair in a tight bun, applied make up to perfection, packed her bag, and walked out. "Baby." Justin allowed his voice drip with excited as he rushed to her side and he placed a kiss on her lips, wrapping his hands around her lower waist in the process.

She averted her eyes as he looked down at her. "Baby what's wrong?" She almost rolled her eyes at his game; the ignorant game. Perfect. She made an effort to get out of his hold by he wouldn't bulge. "Come on, baby. Why are you behaving like this?" He asked. Having to bite her tongue from raining insults, she only shrugged and responded saying. "My period." She tried moving out of his grip and this time he allowed it.

This was a natural attitude he expected from her. "I put you in bed yesterday." He began. When she said nothing, he finished with, "I came back by...1:00am to find you at the bar."

Liar! Her conscience screamed out while she on the other hand remained silent. She didn't fall asleep until around three. This was the best she could come up with. If he didn't respect her enough to give her a very much required and deserved apology and explanation, then he didn't deserve nor should he expect to have a mature conversation with him.

Justin joined her at the dining table. "What are you doing, Shandell?" He asked in a bored tone as was the only way he felt, righteous enough to deal with the situation. Of course, he wasn't about to confess all his sins to her.


He sighed. He relaxed on his seat and asked. "Can we not be mature about what happened last night?" He watched as she very gracefully filled her belly, waiting for her to respond. "Shandell." Not wanting to spend a mere second more with him she stood, ready to walk out. Justin was fast enough and caught her by the hand before she makes it out. "Shandell." He broke out in a whisper-like tone.

"WHAT!!!" She yelled. He clenched his jaw in frustration at her outburst. Unfortunately for him that didn't sit too well with her. "You're angry!!!" She gasped. "Do I look stupid to you, Justin? You disrespected me last night and to top that up you slept elsewhere at night. Don't even try me with that 1:00am bullshit!" A sob broke out at the end of her lashing out. "Where were you last night?!"


"Where were you last night?!"

The sound of her sobs didn't create the best melody in his ears. He looked her, like actually looked her. This was not how he wanted the day to begin. His plan was to order some breakfast, create a believable lie, and move on not this. His actions caused her emotional pain and now he doesn't know how to deal with it.

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