ch. 19

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Before anything, I want to apologise for the long wait. I've been all over the place lately but I'm back. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me and checking up.


Justin hoped his wife would give him more credit. He noticed her "off" behavior as she came back from the washroom. Something was up with her and as any man thinking he could cheat on his wife and get away with it, nothing prompted him as the possible culprit. He returned the smile she offered when he opened the door to their suit. He opted not to ask any questions but after three minutes of complete silence, he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" She replied cluelessly. "I wasn't paying attention."

"You've been awfully weird since dinner. What's wrong?" He stood before her, waiting patiently for her response. Now Shandell had two options; tell the truth and risk an argument or pretend to be clueless of what he was saying. "It's just problems with my mum. I haven't been able to reach her ever since the trip so that's been stressing me out." She informed easily as it was not precisely a lie.

Justin was aware of the relationship she shared with her mother so understood her predicament. He engulfed her in a hug, kissed her on top of her head before saying, "Beautiful, we are married. I want you to come to me when you have an issue."

Shandell gave a half smile. "I didn't want to put you in bad mood." She replied. Justin sighed and as he proceeded to unbutton his shirt, he added, "Shandi, we've talked about this while we were dating. When you have an issue or you are going through something, and you keep it to yourself rather than sharing it together, then you are the only one in the relationship..."

He took a turn to their room, with his dear wife trailing behind him. As he spoke, Shandell only raised her left brow and allowed an "oh really" expression on her face, although, he was busy taking off his pants to notice.

Although she had blocked him out after the first few sentences. Her mother always trained her to speak her mind; that, it was her strongest asset. So, what was she to do in this case?

"Baby!" She jumped a bit when she came face to face with him. "Huh?"

"Did you hear a word of what I said?"

The cards had already being laid and his words-the ones she heard-confirmed it was the right thing to do. Also, it would be so long until she started feeling uneasy about not voicing out her worries. "Something bit you on your neck?" She carefully inquired. Her back was currently to him as she hoped she did not come out aggressive.

Justin turned to her vanity mirror and as his gaze settled on his reflection, his eyes shot open with his heart rate speeding up, with the fear of getting caught growing by the second. "It's uhm...rash."

Shandell raised her brow. The response he gave her was something she wanted to hear although, she knew better. "From an allergy?" He hesitated for a second before responding, "Yeah!" It was difficult to ignore the shakiness in this voice. Her husband was allergic to nuts and since their trip he has not had any.

Justin noticed her suspicion and, like he was accustomed to, decided to turn the table against her. Dropping his hand from his neck, he faced her, cocked his head to the side and with steady gaze asked, "You don't seem satisfied."

A cocked brow was the reply he got. He sneered and straightened his neck, "What do you think it is then?"

She opened her mouth to answer but before the words could escape, Nora's words run through her mind, leaving her mouth opening and closing as a fish out of water. She wanted to be confrontational, but the fear of igniting marital problems so soon was overwhelming.

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