❥ eight

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preparing the new album had kept calum on his toes lately, and after dropping flowers off at sage's, he hadn't found the time to check in on her. so, after a long week in the studio, he went to one of his favorite hideaways- the X.

the familiar bass welcomed him, as he walked in, got a drink, and headed to his chair. as he approached, he realized someone else was there, and not in the mood for yet another conflict- the album production had been a bit temperamental, he headed for a couch closer to the back of the room, where he could still see everything. a half an hour or so later, he saw sage make her way to the center stage, and he watched her routine intently. after, he saw her head back behind the curtain before reappearing a few minutes later. much to his dismay, calum didn't catch sage's eye as she headed over to a customer. soon enough, one of the other girls at the X came over and greeted him, chatting and catching up, as calum watched sage from the corner of his sight.

soon enough, it was closing time, and calum still hadn't gotten sage's attention. he asked angel to see if sage was backstage, to which she said she had just left. knowing that sage would catch an uber, he headed out the front and walked around the block until he met the alley.

to his surprise, he saw sage, and what looked like another man very close to each other. he felt a twang of emotion, but pushed it down as he walked closer. soon enough, it became evident to calum that sage was not there willingly- he could see her trembling, and she looked like she was trying to get away, but couldn't. realizing what was happening, he looked around for the nearest projectile he could find, seeing an empty glass bottle nearby. he approached the man, fury in his mind, before slamming the bottle against him. next thing he knew, the man was on the ground unconscious, and sage was terrified, trembling and crying. he delicately picked her up, as he whispered calm words into her ear. he walked briskly back to his car, and once there, gently placed sage in the passenger seat before getting in the drivers seat and heading off to his home.

throughout the twenty minute drive back, calum could barely keep his eyes off the sleeping girl to his right. anger rushed through his body at the thought of what could have happened if he wasn't there, and how if sage wasn't in the state she currently occupied, he would've went back for that man. sage was his friend- if that was the best term for whatever they had- and he couldn't bear the thought of something happening. as his mind had put him in protecting mode, he pulled into his garage. he shut off the car, before walking around and placing sage in his arms as he headed inside.


ashton heard him enter, and as he went to stand up and greet his friend, could see some sort of fury in his eyes and backed off, noticing the girl in his arms. he hasn't seen his best mate this angry over anything in a long time, and knew that if it was something he wanted to share, he would come to him. calum was like that- he pushed everything down, leaving it to boil, and when everything was about to pour over, would come over and spill all of it to ashton. although it could be a lot sometimes, ashton never minded- this was his best friend, his brother.


calum carefully carried a sleeping sage through the corridors until arriving at his room, where he laid her in his bed, thankful that the girl wore sweats practically everywhere. he quickly changed, before getting into his bed, instinctively pulling the girl into him, needing her tucked into his side to make sure she was safe.


hi im always here i just take forever to write haha sorry(:
this chapter is shorter, but it's basically how calum saw last chapters events, and a bit of background from ashton's pov!

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