❥ fourteen

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it was around ten the next morning when sage woke up in calum's bed. she'd been sleeping there a lot lately, she realized, and the thought brought a smile to her tired face.

in point blank honesty, sage was terrified of relationships. for the most part, she'd stayed away from them, because being open and honest with someone romantically was really scary for sage. calum was different - it was romantic but also friendship, which sage had come to realize was exactly what she needed - sleeping over at calum's was more like a sleepover with a friend than a night over at a guys house, and the two of them spent just as much time goofing off as they did actually being intimate.

slowly, sage got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. out of the corner of her eye, she noticed calum out on the balcony, but he seemed busy with a phone call and decided to let him be. once she brushed her teeth and turned on the shower, she realized she didn't actually know where the towels were kept. both the closets were full of everything except towels, and sage didn't know if calum would be bothered by her using his towel, so she crept out of the bathroom to see if calum was off of his call.

to her luck, he was, and he was seated facing away from her on the balcony. the sound of she shower on must have drowned out her footsteps, because sage managed to open the cracked door and walk up behind calum without her noticing. as silently as she could, sage tapped on calum's shoulder, and he jumped and turned around.

the first thing sage noticed was how his gorgeous shocked face turned into a gorgeous smiling one, and the second was the cigarette in his left hand.

when his eyes met hers and he noticed where she was looking, he dropped his hand under his chair, as if it would make her forget what she had seen.

after a quick moment of awkward silence, sage spoke. "you smoke?"

"well.... not often, but sometimes, i mean, i guess, yeah." calum mumbled, looking back and forth between sage's face and the skyline in front of him.

"....oh," sage mumbled back. "well, im gonna go shower...."

as soon as sage had walked back into the bathroom, she realized that she had left the shower running for a bit and forgot to ask where the towels were. at that point she had just decided to use calum's towel because she needed a minute to think before she spoke to him again. she wasn't a big fan of him smoking, but she was more upset that he had kept it from her. hadn't they been spending enough time together that something like that shouldn't be kept hidden? sage thought so, but clearly calum hadn't.

twenty minutes later, just as sage was about to finish washing out her hair, the bathroom door opened. in walked a nervous looking calum, holding a towel. from both sides of the frosted glass, the two looked at each other.

"hey, i figured you'd need a towel so i brought one to you," calum finally said. "i also wanted to uh, well i, i wanted to say im sorry for keeping my smoking from you. i have been trying to quit for a while so i figured i wouldn't ever have to tell you because i didn't want you to not like me because i smoke and im trying to stop, believe me, im trying, it's just hard for me and-"

it was at that very moment that sage opened the shower door and pulled calum's head under the shower and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

"i don't care that you smoke. i don't like it, in all honesty, but i like you and that's a part of you, i guess. and if you really want to quit, i'd be happy to help you, if you want?" sage replied, a smile growing on her lips.

after that, it was calum who pulled himself under into the stream of water, and the two of them did a little more than a quick kiss.

hi lovies!! im here - ive had a really busy summer which had made updating quite a challenge for me, but ive decided im going to make it happen!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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