01 > Max Verstappen - Reading

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first ever imagine with Max, feedback is always welcome! :)

It was on a winter evening in January that Max came back to his apartment in Monaco. He just came back from a small trip to Milton Keynes where he spent a few days in the simulator. Testing was just around the corner and now it was time to prepare for the upcoming season. The meant that Max had now starting to train again and the trips to the UK were more frequent.

"Hello?" Max shouted as he entered the small apartment that both of you shared, but he had no answer. He was a bit confused as you said that you would stay at home the whole day waiting for him to come back. Plus, your shoes were still in the hallway. He didn't have to go far as he finally found you in the dining room that was connected to the kitchen. Sitting at the dining table and your legs on the chair in front of you, you were reading a book. He knew you were really into your book as you clearly didn't hear his arrival and the hot chocolate in front of you was still untouched. Max found the sight of you rather cute as you looked cozy and cuddlable in one of his hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. You gasped as you suddenly felt hands on your shoulders. You turned around to see your boyfriend laughing. You playfully rolled your eyes, but still, you laugh with him.

"Hi," said Max as he put his arms around your shoulders and kiss your cheek. "Hi," you said back to him before pecking his lips and then you reopened your book again and started to read. Max smiled at you before kissing your cheek a second time and then he let go of you. It was useless of him to try to get your attention now as you were too much into your book for that. He knew that you wouldn't let go of your book unless you would reach a part of your book that would get you emotional. So he went to take a shower as he felt a bit dirty because of the plane, even if it was a very short ride. Once he was clean and that his suitcase was undone, he went downstairs towards the kitchen so he could take a snack. You didn't pay attention to him when he passed by you and kissed the top of your head. He made himself a bowl of fruits and went to the living room to play FIFA, waiting for his girlfriend to be done with her book.

You took a sip of your hot chocolate without realizing that it was now cold and undrinkable. You made a face and quickly put the mug back on the table and started reading again. You read until you had reached the end of your book, which was the goal that you had set for yourself today. But the end was far from what you had anticipated and it made you an emotional mess. You were seriously thinking about tossing the book on the wall. Max heard some cursing coming from the dining room and he knew that you had reached the part of the book that he was waiting for. He chuckled at you as he heard steps coming his way.

As you entered the living room, you saw that Max was sitting on the couch with the Xbox controller in his hands. The game was on pause as he knew that you were coming to vent your frustration to him. You stood in front of the TV, a pout on your face and your arms crossed on your chest. You knew that you were definitely acting like a child, but you didn't care at the moment. You didn't say anything yet Max burst out laughing.

"So," started Max once he had stopped laughing, "What happened this time?" he opened his arms for you to refuge yourself into them. You gladly accepted the invitation as you sat on his lap, your arms around his neck and your face buried into his chest. "Stop smiling it's not funny." You wanted to sound serious but that only made Max laugh again as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. "He chooses the crown over her, damn it. The fucking crown, can you believe it? It took three fucking books to get together and when they are, well, kind of, he had to choose the freaking crown instead of her, fuck! Why? They were so cute together, fuck it," You vented and you could feel the vibrations through Max's chest due to his laughing. He couldn't help it has he found your reaction to a simple book rather cute. "Stop it," you said slapping him playfully on his chest which made him laugh even more. To be honest, you found the situation a bit funny too, but you were way too angry towards your favourite character of the book to laugh at the moment. "Okay okay," started Max, containing his laugh as he took your face between his two large hands. "You know it is just a book, right?" he teased you but the pout on your face increased. "But he chooses the crown, Max!" you almost whispered and making him laugh again. "Soooooo sad," he said while rolling his eyes playfully. "Yes, it is!" "I'm sure it is," answered Max before kissing you. "Do you want to watch an episode of Narcos?" he asked between two kisses and you positively nodded.

Max lifted you up a bit so he could lay down on the couch and you could cuddle him, something that he wanted to do the minute he saw you reading your book earlier. Once he laid comfortably on the couch, Max pulled you into his chest. You put your arms around his neck and your leg over his waist and you swear you were in the most comfortable position ever. Max changed the Xbox to Netflix and put an episode of the TV show that you and Max had started over the winter break. He put the controller on the floor right beside the couch before putting his arms around your waist to keep the distance between your two bodies to a minimum. He closed his eyes and contently sighed before he laid his eyes on you. After long days in the simulator in Milton Keynes, he was finally where he wanted to be: at his home in Monaco, cuddling with his beautiful girlfriend that he missed so much over the past week. Of course, it was just a week which wasn't bad compared to when there were two race weekends in two weeks. But he was used to have you by his side every day during the winter break. He liked racing more than anything, but moments like this with you what moments he cherished a lot. Testing in February would be tough that's for sure. "Verstappen, eyes on the TV," you said, feeling his gaze on you rather than on the TV, watching the Narcos. You knew all about it, how he would stare at you instead of watching the TV show and then he would complain afterwards that he didn't understand anything and make you explain everything that happened. "I want a kiss," he requested as he put the episode on pause. "If I kiss you, will you watch the episode?" you asked and Max nodded. You quickly pecked his lips and then you were about to put the episode back on but Max stopped you. You smiled at him, knowing very well that just a peck on the lips wasn't enough for him. "A real kiss." This time, You pressed your lips against his and the kiss quickly turned into a passionate kiss. One of Max's hand had moved to my neck to keep me close to him. Both of you pulled away breathless, your forehead rested against Max's. Your eyes were still closed as you felt Max kissed your forehead gently.

"I love you," he murmured and you smiled, not tired of hearing him say those three words. You opened your eyes before pulling away a little to see his face clearly. You pecked his lips before answering, "Love you too."

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