14 > Luca Ghiotto - Working out

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requested by Banding_Obsessed

"You are not working out," stated Luca looking down at you.

You hated sports. You weren't a sportive person at all, but your boyfriend Luca Ghiotto was. You had been together for more than a year now and since then Luca had tried to get you to go to the gym with him. It was this week that you had finally accepted. Luca had brought you to the gym he was usually working out at. It was quite early in the day and nobody except you and your boyfriend were here. He explained to you how some machines worked and even told you some workouts that you could do on your own while he was doing his own. The one that you were currently doing was a very simple workout and didn't require any material nor machine, but not even 2 minutes after he had his back facing you, you had given up and you laid on the ground on the ground. You had closed your eyes, ready to take a nap just right there.

"Yes I am, look!" you lifted your legs in the air, trying to touch them with your hands. You were far from doing it, being not flexible at all, and got tired very quickly and let your legs fall down on the floor once again. Luca laughed at your poor attempt. He knew that taking you to the gym would not be an easy thing.

"Wow, so much effort," sarcastically said Luca and you innocently smiled at him. "Yes, I'm out of breath ok?" you breathed heavily to show him that you were 'right'. "We can't be all like you babe," you then added and he rolled his eyes. "Drama queen," he teased and he took your hands to pull you up on your feet without much effort. "But I'm your favourite drama queen," you winked and Luca chuckled before pecking your lips. "Okay, since this is too much for my drama queen," he started, emphasis on the 'drama queen' which made you roll your eyes. "We'll try something else."

This time, Luca showed you a machine. He put it to the lowest weight possible for you and once you got it, he left you to it. You eventually got tired quickly and stopped moving. Instead, you were checking out your boyfriend doing squats while lifting the weight up in the air. His muscled arms and his ass full on display for you to admire in the tight clothing he was wearing.

"I don't hear the machine (Y/N)," shouted Luca behind his shoulder and you let out a sight before working out your legs once more. However, it didn't stop you from looking at your boyfriend and his nice ass once again. You had stopped for a second time, but unlike previously, Luca didn't say anything. He knew it was no use, you won't do more than that and it would be unnecessary to push you to do more. When he was done, he used a towel to get rid of the sweat on his face while walking towards you.

"Enjoyed the view?" he teased and you smiled at him, not even hiding the fact that you were checking him out the whole time. "Hell yes, I did. I didn't come here to suffer for nothing," you replied, getting up from the machine that you were still sat on.

Luca chuckled, taking your hips in his hands to pull you closer. "Glad to know you had a really good time," he said, a boyish grin on his cute face. "Oh trust me, I did."

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