08 > Nico Hülkenberg - Attention

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requested by BraveNightmare

The Australian Grand Prix was known to be one of the most stressful Grand Prix on the calendar. New drivers, new cars, new rules, new employees... In your case, it was your first ever Formula 1 Grand Prix as the PR of Red Bull Racing's new driver Pierre Gasly. It was a bit of a chaos, a lot of journalists wanted a word with your driver as it was his first race in one of the top teams.

The first time you had catch Nico Hulkenberg's eye was in Barcelona back in February. As he was walking down the pit lane, he saw you standing in the middle of the Red Bull garage speaking in French with Pierre. He didn't understand anything of what you were saying, but he found cute of how small you looked in that big winter coat. Ever since, Nico found himself looking for you each time he would pass the Red Bull garage and he swear you were getting more beautiful each time. You, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to the small crush the Renault driver had developed on you over the two weeks of testing. You were so focused on your work that you didn't even realise that you had bumped into him at least 3 times over the weekend already. Each time, you would absently apologized to him and then continued walking, your phone glued to your hand.

It was the end of the race now and you were now standing behind Pierre while he spoke in his native language with the French TV. You could see him getting annoyed with the journalist. Not only Pierre had a very bad qualifying AND race while his teammate Max Verstappen had a very good weekend, finishing on the podium, but everyone made sure to remind him of that. Even if you knew your driver wasn't the one to let his emotions get the best of him, you still prayed that wouldn't be the first time.

Out of nowhere, you were pushed forward hard enough for you to almost fall on the ground, but someone was quick to catch you. You looked behind to see that Nico Hulkenberg was your saviour. "I'm sorry, you ok?" he asked and you nodded, pulling away from him. "Yes, thank you," you smiled at him before getting you attention back to your driver. Nico tried his best to hide his disappointed face, you were so into your work that it was impossible for him to get your attention. He tried to push the feeling away as he walked towards the next journalist.

You followed Pierre until you reached his driver's room. You quickly updated him on his schedule. "I know you would like to spend the rest of the day alone, but Christian wants you there to celebrate Max's podium. Team spirit, he said," you announced Pierre, an apological smile on your face. You knew that he probably wanted to spend the night alone in his hotel room after a tough weekend like the Australian GP has been for him. "I'm sorry Pierre," you apologized to him and he sadly smiled back at you. "I'll see you later," you added before leaving him on his own.

You went back to your hotel, relaxing a bit on the balcony of your hotel room before going back inside and get ready for the team dinner. You only picked up a classy top and a pair of jeans, not bothering to dress up too much. You made sure you had everything before leaving your hotel room and made you way outside. You walked to the resto-bar, the place not being too far from the hotel. As soon as you've arrived, you spotted some people from the Red Bull team sitting at a table outside on the terrace. You greeted them as you sat at the table and you noticed Pierre sitting not so far from you beside his teammate Max Verstappen. You didn't know if he was faking it or not as you didn't know Pierre that well yet, but all sadness that he showed in is driver's room a couple hours ago was nowhere to be seen now. You pushed that thought away, as you started talking with the people around you.

There you were again, Nico thought. It was the first time he saw you in other clothes than your Red Bull polo and a pair of jeans and damn he found you more beautiful than ever, there, standing in setting sun. The white top that you were wearing was fitting you perfectly and he swear you couldn't have a bigger smile on your face than right now. He just wished he could see your eyes, but you had hid them behind a pair of black sunglasses. He quickly turned his gaze away from you when he realized that he may have been checking you out for a bit too long. He didn't want anyone to know about his crush on you.

Some people from the Renault team, Nico included, had decided to go out tonight, relaxing a bit after that long stressful weekend. Everyone was chatting and Nico tried his best to keep his attention on them, but it was almost impossible. Each minute, he would throw a quick look at you. The sun was down now and you had removed your sunglasses much to Nico's happiness.

Again, you were completely oblivious of Nico. You didn't even notice that the Renault team was in the same restaurant as you. You had eaten your meal when you felt the urge to go to the toilets and you excused yourself as you got up. You asked a waitress where the toilets were, she pointed a direction and you thanked her.

You exited the washroom after washing your hands and you were suddenly face to face with an unknown man that you had never seen in your life. You could see his expression going from surprised to a pervert look. "Sorry," you apologized to the man and tried to get out of his way but he took hold of your wrist.

"Hey babe, everything is fine?" asked someone with a foreign accent before the man in front of you could even open his mouth. "You took so long in there, we thought the toilet had swallow you," the guy that you now recognized as Nico Hulkenberg said on a joking tone, but his face was firm, intimidating, silently telling the guy to back off. It did the trick, without a word, he backed off and left the washroom area.

"Thank you," you sighed, relieved that it didn't go any farther. "No problem, (Y/N), Gasly's PR, right?" He said and you looked at him, confusing in your eyes. How on Earth would a driver from another team would know the name of a newly Red Bull employee? "Erm, yeah, it's me. How do you know my name?" You couldn't help but ask, the curiosity getting the best of you. "That is for me to know and you to find out," he winked and you chuckled. "Thank you again Nico, it was very nice of you," you smiled at him and he smiled right back at you. You were about to walk away when Nico finally realized. He had your attention. It is now or never. "Wait, (Y/N)!" he shouted at you turned around, "Would you like to, uh, hang out with me? After your team dinner, I mean. Or even later on," he rabbled on, nervously scratching the back of his head. Saying that you weren't surprised would be an understatement, but still, you flashed him the smile that he liked so much. "I would love to, actually," you answered him and Nico felt something going on in his stomach. You both shared your phone numbers before going back to your seats at your own table.

You couldn't stop smiling and Pierre had definitely noticed. He looked at you and wiggle his eyebrows which made you roll your eyes. You couldn't help yourself to drive your gaze towards the Renault table and you spotted Nico who was already looking at you. He threw a wink at you and you could feel your face reddening. You couldn't wait for the end of the team dinner. 

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