03 > Daniel Ricciardo - French Skills

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Requested by leag42

A/N: not very proud of this one I have to admit, but hope you still like it. So here goes nothing.

"Bonjour!" you jumped at the loud Aussie accent of Daniel Ricciardo in your ear. "Jesus Christ Daniel," you cursed as you turned around to a smilling Daniel, proud of himself as he had successfully scared you. You let out a dramatic sigh before asking "What can I help you with, Ricciardo?"

"Are you mad at me?" the grin on his face immediately disappeared and worry filled his eyes. You tried your best to keep a straight face and not burst into laugh, but you couldn't help it. Realizing that you weren't mad at him, he rolled his eyes "Don't scare me like that." "Sorry, it was too easy," you chuckled.

Having a good relationship with your driver was very important to you as an engineer since it made the job easier for you. Daniel wasn't a difficult person, you liked the guy a lot, maybe a bit too much for an engineer/driver relationship. Fortunately for you, he felt the same and you guys were a thing for a couple of weeks now. Since it was still very early in your relationship and Daniel was only at his first season with Renault, you had kept the secret from everyone.

"Anyway, I have a question for you," said the Renault driver, an innocent smile on his face that didn't mean any good. "It's a no," you immediately replied, passing him to get the data sheets from the first free practice. "I didn't even say anything!" he exclaimed while following you, a small pout on his face. "Oh trust me, you didn't need to!" you said back to him, going over the pages, making sure that you had everything and no pages were missing. "S'il vous plait, (Y/N)," he tried again, this time in your native language, adding puppy eyes to his pout. You found it very cute and if you would have been alone, you would have kissed him. "Oh so now you're speaking French?" you raised your eyebrows, teasing him. "Enchanté," he said the only other French word that he knew the boyish smile back on his face. You rolled your eyes, boys. Fortunately, nobody was paying attention to you. Perhaps, they thought it was simply an innocent conversation between a driver and his engineer. "Tu es un idiot, tu le sais ça?" you answered, passing him again exit and made your way towards your office that was in the Renault paddock. "Hey! I understood that!" he shouted, getting the attention of a few mechanics that were close.

"Oh yeah? What did I say?" you challenged him as you entered your office, Daniel following close behind you. As he closed the door after him, you dropped the pile of paper that you were holding on the desk and then sat on your chair. "That I am your favourite driver and that you love me very much," he answered as he went behind your desk, sitting on it. You swear this grin never seemed to leave his pretty face. "Mmm, actually, you're a close second. Carlos would be first," you said and he rolled his eyes and this time you were the one smiling. "Carlos doesn't speak French," he said, wiggling his eyebrows and you laughed. "Girls love guys that speak French," he then added.

"Bonjour, je m'appelle Daniel," he tried, his heavy Australian accent more present than ever and it took everything to keep yourself under control and not laugh, yet along smile. But you failed as a small one made its way to your lips. "See, you love it when I speak French to you," you chuckled while shaking your head. "Are you done showing off your French skills now? I have data to analyze now," you said as you crossed your legs and reached the data that you had previously left on the desk. However, Daniel took your wrist into one of his large hand and pulled you into his chest. "What if I want to spend some quality time with my beautiful girlfriend?" He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer as you passed yours around his middle.

He started to lean it so he could kiss you but you pulled away slightly, knowing very well that it wouldn't end up as an innocent kiss in the end. "What? Jealous I would speak French to other girls than you?" He teased you, the boyish grin making a come back. "Don't worry babe, you're the only one who I ask 'voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?'," he whispered in your ear and you pinched his side. "Ouch," he laughed, proud of himself and he pushed your hand away, tighten his hold on you so you couldn't move anymore. "You're the worst, you know that?" "You love me," he responded before pecking your lips "Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night."

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