17 > Ayrton Senna - Two nights ago

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requested by @Oreo_Ice

Starting a new job was never easy. A new job meant that you had the pressure to make a good impression on your shoulders. You were nervously tapping the wheel of your car while driving to the McLaren facility. Of course, you had met some traffic on your way out of London to Woking but you had left a bit earlier than necessary to be sure to arrive on time at your new working place. Once at your destination, you made your way to your office, saying hi to the receptionists on the way. You already knew your way around since you came the previous day to organize your working place and get your entering pass card.

You sat down on your chair behind your desk, opening your computer to check your schedule for the day. You had a meeting in the afternoon where you'll be meeting the majority of the travelling team that you had yet to meet, the drivers included. Other than that, you had nothing special, just some work to get done. The day went by quickly and soon enough, it was time for the meeting. You made your way to the meeting room and sat down on a chair, hoping it wasn't the usual place of someone else. You were looking through your notes, introducing yourself to your new colleagues as they came in. It was almost time to begin when the last person entered the room. You barely looked up at first as you were watching your notes once last time to be sure that you had all memorized them, but you stopped everything that you were doing as you recognized the person that had entered the room.

Even though you had a lot of alcohol in your blood system when you had first met him, you could still remember his name. The name that you moaned more than once while he was between your legs two days ago. You had gone out with your group of friends when you met him on the dancefloor and of course, it ended up with you following him back to his place where you had incredible sex. Hangover, you had left his place very early in the morning to avoid an awkward morning. You never recognized him as one an F1 driver for the team that you were now working for. You grew more and more nervous as you saw him walking towards you. Your brain was working on trying to figure out if you should act as if you did remember him or not. "You're sitting on my chair, (Y/N), but since it's you, I'll let it go for this time," murmured Ayrton close to your ear, using your first name to show you that he did remember you. You felt the blood rush to your face as he winked at you before taking the free chair at your left. "I'll try to remember it," you shyly answered, biting this inside of your cheek out of nervousness. "You two know each other?" asked your colleague that was sitting on your other side. You didn't know what to say. You couldn't even get over the fact that you had slept with one of the drivers, you were far from being able to make up a story that explained how you two know each other. You were certainly not saying that you had a one night stand with him two days ago. Oh hell no. "We met this morning in the parking lot," started Ayrton, surprising you. "She tripped over her own feet and tried to brush it off but of course I saw her. Our little newbie is very clumsy I reckon," he lied, making up the whole story from A to Z. He softly patted your shoulder, your face becoming redder by the minute. "Thank you for telling everyone," you added to give more credibility to Ayrton's story. The guy at your right chuckled a bit. "Don't worry about it, we all have our moments," he said before someone else called his name.

"I didn't know you worked at here," whispered Ayrton once he was sure that no one had their attention on you. His voice was low enough so nobody else but you would hear him. "I've never seen you here before." You looked nervously around, making sure that nobody was listening to what he was saying. "It's my first day here," you explained "I didn't know you were an F1 driver," you whispered back. "I thought you knew," justified Ayrton and you were about to answer him but you were interrupted by the meeting that was now beginning. You tried to concentrate on the meeting but you found yourself thinking about the man sitting on your left and the night that you two had shared. It had happened way more often than you would like to admit.

Once the meeting was done, you immediately left leaving no time for Ayrton to talk to you. You refuged yourself in your office, letting down the papers on your desk. You let out a sigh as you left yourself fall on your chair. Your mind was a mess. You didn't know how you could let this happen. You sat on your chair, trying to clear your mind as your eyes fixed the wall in front of you before a knock on your office door made you come back to reality. "It's open," you said loud enough so the person on the other side of the door would hear you. You weren't that surprised to see Ayrton entering in and closing the door behind him before taking place on one of the chairs in front of your desk. "For a second I thought you were avoiding me," he then said, a small grin on his face. "I would never," you dramatically answered, biting the inside of your cheek once more. "I thought so," the grin on his face grew larger when suddenly it disappeared and his behaviour changed from confident to anxious. He was scratching the back of his neck as his mouth opened then closed and then opened a second time.

"Look I wanted to ask you if, hum, we could start over our relationship from zero," he sounded unsure, a bit afraid of your reaction. He liked you and he wanted to have a good friendship with you and maybe, just maybe, it could develop into something more. Maybe. You quickly nodded, relief going through your body. For a second, you thought that he was going to ask you to never talk to him again or worst, give you a big amount of money so you would shut up about that night. "It's not that I didn't like it," he rushed to justify himself but you cut him off. "I understand. I like this idea," you smiled at him and you saw him sighed in relief.

"Ok then," he said, a smile on his face. The same smile that had charmed you two nights ago. "Hi, I'm Ayrton Senna. I'm a Formula 1 driver for McLaren," his hand out for you to shake it. You chuckled, "Hi, Ayrton, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and I'm a new engineer at McLaren. I'm looking forward to working with you."

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