07 > Antonio Giovinazzi - Bleary eyes and mussed hair

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requested by DannyRicc17

"You're sure you don't mind us sleeping in the same bed?" asked you Antonio for what felt like a hundred time in the space of ten minutes. You had barely met, that is true, but he was one of your closest friend's friend so you trusted him. Most of the others were there with their boyfriend and girlfriends or had already teamed up with someone else making you and Antonio the two last ones. It wasn't like he was a total stranger neither. However, Antonio wanted to be entirely sure that you were comfortable with the idea, for him, it was simply being respectful. "Just, keep the boner to yourself," you joked as you went to put your makeup bag in the bathroom attached to your bedroom. "Funny," sarcastically said Antonio, loud enough for you to hear in the other room.

It was a two weeks trip to Bali that one of Antonio had organized, hoping to escape the cold weather of winter back in Italy. One spot was available for the trip as someone had cancelled last minute. Your friend had asked you if you wanted to join and you,, of course, didn't refuse even though you didn't know anyone from the group beside your friend.

It didn't take long before you both had set up your things in the bedroom so you went downstairs to meet with the rest of the group. Everyone was organizing a plan for the night. Everybody agreed to keep it simple and go to the closest restaurant to the villa in which you stayed in since everyone was pretty tired already. Ten minutes were given to everyone so everyone could change from their flighting clothes to some more appropriate to the hot weather of Bali.

The meal was delicious and the restaurant was very nice as well as the group that you had learned to know a bit. You all paid your own bill and walked back to the villa while the sun was slowly setting down. A small fire was created in the designed area in the backyard and camping chairs were installed around it even though there wasn't enough for everyone. You, being one of the single people of the group, had the chance to have a camping chair for yourself. Smore's, as well as marshmallows, were cooked on the fire accompanied by an alcoholic drink for everyone. It was a simple, yet very nice for the very first night of your stay in Bali. However as the time went by, you could feel yourself lean down on your chair, a mix of the alcohol and the jet lag making you more and more tired.

"You should go to bed (Y/N)," someone said to you, too tired to even notice who had talked to you. You didn't say anything, being too tired to do that, but you nodded. Slowly but surely, you got up from the camping chairs and announced with a sleepy voice that you were going to bed. You waved at everyone and you exited the circle when someone caught your wrist, interrupting your walk. "I'll stay there a bit, but I'll be there in a couple of minutes, is that okay?" asked Antonio and you nodded, "Yeah, sure. No problem," you replied. You both said goodnight and you slipped under the sheets of your bed not so long after, falling asleep as soon as your head had touched the pillow You did not even hear Antonio coming to sleep, a couple of minutes later, just like how he promised.


You woke up by the lights of the sun perking into the room, looked like both you and Antonio had forgotten to close the curtains last night. It took a couple of seconds for your eyes to adjust to the light. Antonio was still sleeping on his side of the bed. He looked very peaceful as his arms were hugging his pillow close to his face. His eyes were closed, his lips were a bit part as he breathed and his mussed hair on tip of his head. You had to admit he was more than cute at this exact moment and you had to hold the urge to pass your hand through his hair and maybe, perhaps, kiss those very kissable pink lips. You slowly pulled your hand out of the bed sheets, hesitating whether or not you should pass your fingers through his hair but you pulled back and decided against it, turning around so that your back was now facing him.

You took your phone from the nightstand, it was only 8 AM. You decided against getting up, feeling way to comfortable in the warm bed and the air was cold because of the air conditioner that had worked all night. You scrolled through your social media accounts, posting a picture that you had took yesterday with the other girls of your group. As you hit the "post" button, you felt an arm curling around your waist and a hard chest pressing against your back. You turned your head around a bit to see that a still sleeping Antonio had unconsciously cuddle you. You could feel his hot breath hitting that back of your neck, making you shiver.

You feel yourself stop breathing for a moment, asking yourself if you should push him away or not. You decided not to, you like having his warm body against yours. You just hoped it won't be awkward when he would wake up. You simply keep your mind off from ideas of kissing him by watching videos on Youtube, earphones on so you wouldn't wake Antonio up. Anxiety filled Antonio's mind as he realized that position in which you were in when he finally woke up. But it soon went away when he realized that you were awake and you haven't pushed him away. Instead, he tightens his hold on you, making you look at him, surprised of the sudden move. Seeing that Antonio was now wide-awake, you put your video on pause and removed your earphones, putting it all back on the nightstand.

"Good morning," you turned around now facing him, still wrapped up in his arms. "Very good morning indeed," answered Antonio in his morning voice, his bleary green eyes looking right into yours. You shyly smiled at him as you could feel your cheeks turning a bit red. For a second time this morning, you hesitated to pass your fingers through his hair, but this time you didn't hesitated and you did it. He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch and Antonio could have swear that he could have fall right back asleep. "I was thinking," started Antonio, finally opening his eyes to pull you closer. "Maybe we could do something together tonight, just the two of us? As a date, I mean" he nervously added and you smiled at how cute he was. "I would like that very much."

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