04 > Sebastian Vettel - Flirting

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Requested by Wilshies

They had lost the championship again, his fault, the people said. He felt relieved when the chequered flag was waved in Abu Dhabi. This awful season was now in the past and he couldn't be more happy about it. He finished his interviews quickly and then congratulated Hamilton and Mercedes for their titles again. This season was almost the same as last year, he was so close to win the championship that he could almost feel it, but then he made a stupid mistake and it was taken away from him. Except that last year, he had a wife and two children with him. Now, the wife had become an ex-wife and his two girls stayed with their mother in Switzerland.

It has been more than a year since Sebastian and his ex-wife Hannah had broken up. Since then, he had never been in a new relation, nor a simple one night stand. He didn't mind, he liked the kind of life he had right now. Fighting for the World Championship of Formula 1 in a Scuderia Ferrari was his main focus and he wasn't looking for a woman to comfort him after a bad race. He was fine on his own. Or at least he thought.

He was laying on the couch of his driver's cabin, his race suit still on and eyes closed. For the first time since a long time, he felt so calm and relaxed that he almost fell asleep on spot. He would have if Kimi didn't enter his driver cabin without even knocking.

"I would hurry up if I were you," said Kimi when he realized that Sebastian hasn't moved since the end of the race. Sebastian opened his eyes to see his teammate standing in the middle of the room. "Hello to you too," murmured the German driver as he slowly put himself in a sitting position. "Did you even take a shower?" Kimi pulled a disgusting face as he sat down on a chair close to the cabin's door. "What are you doing here?" asked Sebastian, a bit confused at the odd behaviour of his teammate. Never, and never in the 3 years that they have been teammates Kimi had set a foot in his driver's cabin. "We're leaving in 15 minutes, be ready," announced the Fin, ignoring Seb's question. He stood up and went towards the door when Seb asked, confused: "To go where?"

"Get Vodka."


They did go to get Vodka, just not the usual way. Usually, it meant buying a bottle in the closest liquid store and drink it in private. Now they were in a bar. It was quite busy, so nobody paid attention to them. They weren't alone as some members of their crew had joined them, but most of them were on the dance floor at the moment. Sebastian, just like Kimi, stayed at the table discussing with some the group while slowly drinking their drinks. There was a time when he frequented places like this, more often when he was still with Red Bull. Well, he had 4 championships to celebrate during that time and a couple of wins too. Hell, he didn't even remember most of these nights. He was older now and perhaps more mature and he didn't feel like waking up with a hangover. At least, not today.

Sebastian was scanning the crowd, he didn't even know what he was doing here. Even if the night was nice, he would have like to go to bed early. He had a flight to catch the next day to Switzerland. He would pick up his girls from their mother's and have them with him for a couple of days. He was couldn't wait. He had missed his daughters and he hasn't seen them in a long time since the last GPs were mostly in America.

His eyes felt on a girl that was sitting at a table not so far from him. She was hot, he thought, very hot. Her long straight hair was gathered in a tight ponytail that exposed her neck. He started to imagine himself kissing her neck, leaving marks there while slowly moving up to finally kiss her soft, pink lips. The German driver shook his head as if he was chasing his thoughts away. He was surprised by it, he couldn't even remember the last time he was thinking about a woman that wasn't Hannah that way. He might have checked out the brown-haired girl a bit too long as he felt Kimi pocking his arms, a grin on his face. He was caught.

"Go. You need to get laid," stated Kimi and Sebastian shook his head, taking a sip of his beer while looking anywhere but at the girl. "If you don't go talk to her I'm going to get her here," threatened Kimi and Sebastian knew that he would do it. He was a man of his word and didn't give a damn about consequences. Sebastian's eyes went back to the girl, she was now looking right back at him. "She's interested. Go," added the Fin and a sigh passed Seb's lips. He stood up, took his beer in his hands and he made eye contact with the girl. She was pointing towards the bar, silencing asking him if he wanted to meet her there. He agreed, nodding his head and walked towards the bar. His beer bottle was almost empty and he would need a lot of alcohol for doing what he was about to do. Whatever it would be.

The Ferrari's driver was nervous, he hasn't done it in so long... Well, he didn't even remember if he ever flirted with a girl that wasn't his ex-wife. He had been with her for so long. At least 20 different scenarios were formed in Sebastian's head as he made his way towards the bar. Does she know who I am? Will I bore her? Does she expect me to take back to my hotel room? And if I take her back to my hotel room, what if she tells everyone that I am crap in bed? Oh god, he could hear the gossip already. In this exact moment, he hated Kimi for pushing him into this.

"Hey," he smiled at her as she sat on the stool next to him. "Euh," started nervously Sebastian, "Do you want something to drink?" She smiled at him, she immediately remarked he was out of his comfort zone. The truth was, she was in the same position as him. Flirting with a stranger was the last thing that she expected to do when she entered the building. "I'm good thank you," she answered him, showing the alcoholic pink lemonade drink that she had in her hand. The glass was still half-full. Sebastian nodded and ordered another beer for himself."So uh," started Sebastian for a second time, he had no idea what to say now. "What's your name?" she cut him off, a shy smile on her lips, she hoped she didn't sound rude. That wasn't her intention, she just wanted to know the man in front her and she saw how nervous he was. She just wanted to help him. Sebastian, on the other hand, was a bit surprised. Not that she had cut him off, but because she asked for his name. She doesn't know who I am, he realized. "I'm Sebastian, you?" "(Y/N)"

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," said an unsure Sebastian. It could have worked, only he used a hesitating tone, not sure if he should say that or not. However, it made (Y/N) laugh. "You do not talk with a lot of girls, do you?" teased (Y/N), with a small smile on her lips. "Is it a bad thing?" asked Sebastian, he swore he never had been more nervous than he was at this exact moment. "No, I think it's cute," she smiled and Seb seemed to relax at her words. She was not rejecting him. (Y/N) took a sip of her drink with the straw, drinking all the liquor that was left. Once she was done, she put down the glass on the bar and smiled at Sebastian. "Wanna get out of here?" she asked and a grin formed on his lips. She didn't have to ask twice.

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